Peace is always a nanosecond away

Posted by Pat on July 26, 2015 in Uncategorized |

inner peace cartoonIt takes no time at all to take a breath, to move our attention away from the dramas and worries that consume us, to notice and be, rather than engage.

It’s the special stopping of the momentum of programmed habits and the relief that comes from expanding into just being.

In the moment of being aware, obsessive thoughts float by like clouds in the sky. The pressure to change or improve melts away.

All the doing to become something better gives way to simply receiving things as they are.

And what’s left?

  • Effortlessly flowing with what is.
  • Recognizing the sense that things are okay.
  • Experiencing the aliveness that was masked when our mind was in charge.

It’s so simple. How to do it?

  • Stop. Notice that we’re suffering and just stop.
  • Take a deep, cleansing breath.
  • Be alert to the aliveness that’s present and let thoughts go.let go and breathe
  • Enjoy the moment of peace.

Even if just for a moment, it’s the pause between thoughts and it’s the opportunity to change our experience.

And then we can choose to go deeper into this peace. We can stay at peace longer. We can notice that peace is always there when our attention isn’t caught up in our thoughts. We can feel the sense of unity with everything.

There are 86,400 moments in each day. That is the number of seconds gifted to us daily to spend as we wish. And what we do with them determines the quality of our lives.

How many of those moments do we choose to experience peace rather than chaos, calmness rather than frustration, relaxation rather than tension?

Probably not enough!

The wonderful thing is that we are gifted with these moments every morning, no matter if we spent yesterday’s gift well or squandered it.

What could we each do to increase our experience of peace daily?

What do you do when you’re not peaceful to get peaceful?


  • Marda McClenny says:

    When I write in my journal of gratefulness , it used to be that I was so very thankful for the things I had. And I still am!! But now I am writing more and more that I am so thankful for the peace, the joy , the love , and the perfect stillness that only Spirit can bring!!! Truly, just a change in the way of looking at things!!! To me, that is a miricle!!! Thku for sharing , Pat!!! With fondness , Marda

    • Pat says:

      Marda, I too find that I am more and more appreciate of the stillness and peace that are available just by changing my “mind.” Thanks for sharing here!

  • Earl Blackaby says:

    To add more peace to your day and get your mind a break from the outside noise – concentrate on something peaceful from your past experiences and put yourself back into that place using your mind. Calm yourself down, take deep breaths, and enjoy watching that place again – put yourself back to it. Stay as long as you want, relax and enjoy. PEACE.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, isn’t it amazing how simple it can be to put ourselves back into a peaceful state? Many of your photos help create that peace of mind!

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    Energy goes where attention flows. Or in other words, we get what we focus on. This is what I told people in my hypnotherapy practice. We do have a choice in what we think. So many people complain of mind chatter or thoughts that drive them crazy. Most people are not aware of how the simplest thought affects the body. And so we go on day after day with the negative thinking and make ourselves sick. Yes, we can change our thoughts and focus on peace and calming. It may take practice, changing habits usually do but it can be done. After all, if everyone had peace in their heart, we would have no wars.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, I wonder what it would take for more folks to realize how much power and control they really have over their experiences?

  • Tish says:

    Mary Kay your first sentence speaks volumes and Pat what a great post. Just putting yourself in a peaceful place as Earl said is a great beginning to learn that you can control the way you react to any given moment! takibg a deep breath before reacting has helped me immensely.

    • Pat says:

      Tish, isn’t it amazing that something so simple and automatic as breathing can have just a profound effect on our minds and emotions?
      We just have to do it consciously to create the peace we seek.

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