Passwords and Passports
Posted by Pat on October 7, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
and now in this computer age it’s passwords, passwords, passwords.
We seem to end up with a list somewhere with all our passwords, since we can’t remember them or which website or account they go to. Existing to make our life safer, more private, they also are supposed to be changed regularly! So then it’s updating the ever-growing list. And they’re supposed to be complex and difficult to figure out!
But I’d like to use “passwords” in a different context. (Or maybe just choose different passwords?)
Passwords are the words that help youpass through the strange and bad landsof life’s experience.” Ben Zion
Many words and sayings stay with us as we go through (pass through?) life. They are my passwords. When I run into difficulties, I recall words that help me deal with whatever is before me.
Some of my favorite words are
- love,
- light,
- laughter,
- learning.
I like to find new words while taking my morning walks. I go through the alphabet seeking out three words for each letter that I want to claim as mine, (hopefully three different ones than the ones I chose yesterday!)
I do sort of cheat, though, when I get to the letter “x” by using words such as excellent, extraordinary, exemplary! I’m open to suggestions from you on this one!
Sometimes it’s one word like “Peace” or “Breathe!” that when repeated, like a mantra, sustains me.
One of my personal favorite and well-used sayings is “This too shall pass.” It sure seems to be appropriate for a number of situations!
Still another is “I can do it; I can do it easily; it is fun for me to do it!” This is one I use when I’m procrastinating or just not sure I’m up to it (whatever “it” is!)
A whole book, like “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”, can also be a password when it teaches me how to handle something the author has already overcome.
And about 25 years ago, I found that the book “How To Forgive Your Ex-Husband” was really handy!
Do you have any favorite titles?
I’d love to hear about them!
We all need to find the passwords that get us through, just as a passport
gets us through customs when entering a different country. Having traveled with my sister to Europe, I had to make sure my passport was up-to-date. It was my “Open Sesame” to many unforgettable adventures. It was my magic ticket to wonderful experiences, both coming and going. And I still keep it updated!You never know when the impulse to pass through another “port” will strike again!

So, what about you?
Passwords, phrases, titles…what speaks to your heart? what speaks from your heart? Please try this:
Solution of the Day
“Pass your words of hope on to others.”