Our two helpful lists…

Once upon a time…a man was walking down a road. At first the places were known to him, but became less and less familiar. Finally he knew he was in a new place and was lost.
The traveler kept walking until he was at the foot of a steep hill. He was too tired to continue. He sat down to rest and was inspired to take a pad and pencil from his pack.

He wrote two lists.
The first was “Things I know are absolutely true”
- I have been lost before.
- I have always found my way.
- I am a strong walker.
- This road was built to go somewhere.
The second list was “Things I know are possible”
1. I could see better from the top of this hill.
2. I could find signposts, people and houses on the other side.
3. I could find shelter, food and friends on the other side.
4. I could like this new place.
His words gave him strength and he climbed the hill. He did see better from the top. He found signposts, people and houses. In fact, he found most of the things on his lists. Plus a few extras.
When we are feeling lost and discouraged, we can make two lists. On the first, we can list the best things in the present situation. The second list is to expand our thinking. Let’s write all the best things we believe are possible.
And then let our words give us courage on our journey to places yet unseen!
Yes, I believe each of us is and so are all of us!
What can you put on your lists?

Great Post! Thanks for the lift!
Excellent Pat! You nailed it ! 🙌
Excellent thoughts!! Since I live in an apt. complex, I am hibernating in my apt. It is not difficult for me because I tend to be a loner anyway. However, in addition to TV, books, Mr. Spock (my canine roommate)I find myself going back to some of the behaviors of my childhood. I am pretending I am living in a cabin in the woods and I am talking to my Quan yin statue and the teddy bears I have lined up in front of my TV. Now don’t think you need to send the white coats after me. I’m no danger to anyone. After all didn’t a burning bush speak to Moses?
I remember when I worked at UCLA neuropsych institute, we had a patient come in who lived in the Malibu hills. As her husband had a traveling job and was gone a lot, she spent a lot of time alone. She began hearing voices and was concerned so sought help. After being examined by the residents and the psychiatrist in charge, they did not declare her schizophrenic. Their conclusion was that the human mind needs stimulation and if we do not have it in our environment, the brain creates it and this is what was going on with her. They reassured her she was not crazy and discharged her. Sadly, this may not have been the outcome if she had went to a private psychiatrist. However, UCLA is an excellent teaching institution.
There is still a lot we don’t know about being human. There are a lot of belief systems that have grown up about being human and our place in the universe. Of course there are a lot of differences and no one system has all the answers. Even though I don’t consider myself a Christian, my rule of thumb to living a good life are the first 2 commandments. Peace to everyone!
If you can not be paralyzed by your fear of the unknown, exploring can be fun!
Good post, very timely…
Joy, if we’d just be curious instead of afraid, who knows what we might discover! Life is meant to be enjoyed.
Prayer, prayer and prayer are on my list. I guess though I really don’t need a list to remind me to pray.
Maybe a list of those who are however suffering, those who need help and those that are putting their life on the line for us.
Great post! We need to embrace this current situation and come up with ways to combat boredom, fear and uncertainty. Hope is what we have within us to use. I have been home 2 weeks tomorrow and have not had a dull moment!
Tish, The shift in focus and slowing of pace are good for us! But I do miss not seeing you and the others at CB.