One piece at a time…
How do we solve a jigsaw puzzle? We start with one piece at a time, and each one makes adding the next piece a little easier until we complete the puzzle.
Puzzles have a lot of components just like our lives. It is hard to focus on everything at once-relationships, personal development, work, school, and self-care just to name a few.

It is important to remember we can do anything, but not everything. And if we are worried about getting everything done right now, the truth is we will end up getting a lot less done and be more stressed along the way. Our minds will be distracted and not able to give each section the attention it deserves.
So we start with something small in our life that we can improve without a massive amount of time or effort and we commit to making it happen today. Maybe that means cleaning the house or going to the gym. The scale of the step doesn’t matter as much as its completion. Even the smallest changes can snowball into a new mindset that allows us to make more changes with less effort.
One Piece At A Time! We need to think of our personal growth in the same way. Each small change builds on the last and makes the next change even easier. The more changes we make, the more confidence we build and soon enough, we’re a different person. We’re no long overwhelmed by the thousand pieces, because we’ve experienced our own ability to achieve them.
Borders First! When we start solving a puzzle we clear a space big enough to put it together. The border defines a sacred space where we are getting ready to build our masterpiece. The borders can remind us of the boundaries we place in our own lives to stay focus on what is important to ourselves and our lives while upholding our rights. They ensure we don’t allow other things in interfere with our progress.
Know What You Are Making! Can you imagine getting a box of puzzle pieces without an idea of what the completed puzzle will look like? Life can sometimes feel this way, but we have the power to design what our life will look like.
We can choose what we want, what goals we want to aim for, what experiences we want to have, what paths we want to take.

So…both a puzzle and our lives take as long as they take. We just need to keep choosing, keep moving, and keep enjoying the process. And give thanks for the opportunity to do it!
The lesson I’ve learned is to enjoy the process with all of its uncertainties, problems and opportunities. Life is good, it’s rewarding, and it’s fun!
How is your life puzzle coming along?
1 Comment
Right on Pat!