Nothingness has something to offer…
Consider that it’s the space between the notes that makes the music. Music is not a note or even a series of notes. What is required to have music is silent empty space between the notes. A note without space is one long sound. That space is absolutely necessary in order to creat sound in the world of form. No nothingness, no music.
Consider that it’s the space within the vase that allows a vase to be a vase. The vase is not simply clay or crystal. What we must have in order to have a vase is empty invisible space surrounded by material. Take a hammer to the vase and we still have all of the material, but no vase. No nothingness, no vase.
A room is not a room without the empty space within. The doors and windows are cut out of the walls to form the room, but it is on the empty space within that its use depends.
We too are material form (skin, bones, blood) surrounding the invisible silent emptiness that is also us. Every cell of our body is composed of particles circling a void of nothingness. Every molecule is similarly fashioned of particles circling nothingness. It is the very story of life.

We may be material form surrounding an invisible life energy. And yet, physical or spiritual, visible or invisible, we are blessed with consciousness, emotions, connections to others around us sharing this awesome gift of life itself. I know I am more than my body.
And for this I am ever so grateful!