Need a Plan B?

We usually have a pretty good Plan A. But as we well know, life doesn’t always go according to our best laid plans. Stuff happens!
With all life’s twists and turns, it might be a good idea to have a contingency plan (i.e. a Plan B.)
The days of working an entire career in the same industry are pretty much gone! I went from teaching, job placement counselor, bookstore owner, chocolate store owner, alternative high school administration assistant, Realtor, writer, mentor…to semi-retired so far. And only sometimes was it due to my Plan A.
From an early age, our parents taught us that we needed other options available in case our wishes didn’t work out the way we wanted. At Christmas time we youngsters were told to make a list of presents because our first choice wasn’t always available (or affordable).
I do know that having a back-up plan doesn’t always work:
- it might work to our disadvantage,
- it might remove our drive to succeed,
- it might take energy and money away from Plan A.
So is a Plan B being negative? Losing faith in our Plan A?
Life is full of surprises. Whatever helps us make room for the mysteries and changes we experience in life is probably the most useful kind of thinking. By having a plan we create a physical and energetic path to travel towards our goal. And having a contingency plan means we can still move forward.
Even though it doesn’t ensure we’ll get there in the way we planned it, planning can give us alternative paths, open unseen doors and opportunities that allow us to adapt, adjust, and keep on keeping on!
Maybe we should just over prepare and, then, go with the flow?
It really isn’t rocket science to look far enough ahead to imagine the outcome of plan A and at least begin to formulate Plan B. So many examples look us in the face every day. Let’s use them to actually plan ahead.
This morning I went online to view a marvelous Sunday Talk by Rev. Jackie Holland, Boise CSL, on decisions. So pertinent today and every day!
I loved your whole post, especially the closing quote about the alphabet having an additional 25 letters.