Nature is my/our teacher!

Mother Nature is an effective teacher when we’re willing to learn. By observing her cycles we come to understand how life dances within us.
The tide teaches the power of ebbing and flowing, the moon that of waxing and waning. Both show that the expression of fullness and lessening are two parts of one movement.
It is the same with witnessing the shifting between day and night and the changing of the seasons, for we understand that we have cycles too. Change is inevitable in this physical world.
We may have our “favorite” seasons (both in nature and in our lives) but all of them are:
- how life moves,
- how we grow and change,
- and how we rediscover the newness of the cycles.
No cycle is ever the same, but I think it is more of a spiral than a circle. We hopefully move upward, seeing with new eyes the gifts of the “season.”
Just as the colors of the leaves this fall are a changing kaleidoscope of patterns, so in this autumn season of my life, each of the circumstances, opportunities, and insights come to me anew.

In our lives we move between contracting and expanding, completing and starting. We have a season for doing and one for thinking.
When we release the old the new can come forth, just like we breathe in and exhale out.
It’s natural, it’s easy, and it’s just as it should be!
And the ever-more-amazing gift is that we have so much choice! We can always be more than we have been. We can be stronger. We can be kinder. We can be wiser. All by choosing to be so!
Just as each season moves day by day towards the future one, so too we can choose to move forward step by step. The gifts in each day of our lives are precious. We need to treasure the gifts and revel in the process!

Beautifully expressed, Pat.
This winter is the first in 8 years that we are spending in the north. This post says well what I choose to feel about the cold that is upon us. Revel in each day, just as it is.