“Mother, May I?”

Remember the childhood game of “Mother, May I?” When given an instruction by ‘mother’ we needed to remember to ask permission before taking those 2 giant steps forward.
In addition to my being an ex-English teacher and this also being the month of May, I’ve found myself wondering about that word “may.”
How does it differ for me from “might?” or “could?” or “should?” or even “must?”
Somehow “may” feels like an invitation.
“I must get those dishes done this afternoon” or…“I may want to consider doing the dishes this afternoon.”
“I should look over my budget before making this decision” or…“I may look over my budget first.”
“I may sweep up this mess.” (this sure beats my usual response to mess: “I don’t want to” or “I’ll think about it later.”
There’s more of a contemplative nature to the word. A more considered approach. A bit more wistfulness or meditativeness or mindfulness. Somehow it implies choice.
“I may sweep up this mess. Or I may not.”
It speaks to me of possibilities and conscious choices. This may happen. That may happen.
I may do this. I may do that. I may not do either.

Somehow it feels like no matter what, it’s all somehow “okay.”
My body relaxes with this word. This invitation. This gift of choice. It settles my mind. It allows me to breathe. I feel somehow calmer.
What a gift is May!
1 Comment
Well said, Pat!