More than enough?
There is more than enough air for everyone to breathe. No one has to choke in order for you to breathe freely.
There is more than enough love to go around. No one has to be lonely and loveless in order for you to be in love.
There is more than enough health for every person on the planet. No one has to be sick in order for you to be well.
There is more than enough prosperity. No one has to be poor in order for you to be rich.
And yet…
let’s consider the option of replacing “enough” with “plenty.”
Consider the difference in feeling and tone generated by the two phrases “I have enough” and “I have plenty.” I’m willing to bet that “plenty” feels much lighter and more serene and joyful.

Look at nature: leaves, flowers, stars, blades of grass, grains of sand, varieties of animals. Are there just enough or plenty?
The universe is filled with an abundance of all good things. There is an endless supply for each of us available, but we can have only as much as we choose to allow. Our consciousness works like a funnel that brings in only what we believe we can have.
So let’s raise our expectations of what the universe can offer us. Let’s expect new opportunities to show up daily. Let’s expect to prosper. Let’s expect to be liked. Let’s know we are worthy of the gifts that Spirit has available in such abundance!
How many grains of sand will you choose for your sand castle?
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Someone commented that the blog comments were closed. I’m posting this comment to check. So sorry!