Looking for Something to Believe in?

Posted by Pat on September 27, 2015 in Uncategorized |

blog choices c's

We all make choices! And they can change our lives.

Join with me in contemplating the following possible beliefs!

Can you choose just one?!


blog life past defined

blog let go be happyblog change no one wants



blog complaintsblog Einstein wisdom









And, of course, there has to be one choice about chocolate!

blog choc moment






It’s amazing how many productive and profitable and progressive beliefs we can choose from!

And here’s one that is my current favorite:

blog life quotes okay

What one would you choose as your favorite?



  • Fay Payton says:

    Yep. Everything *is* going to end up just fine. It’s sometimes awfully hard to see that from where we are, though.

    And part of things ‘ending up just fine’ is the part where we are actively engaged in making life happen well – for ourselves and for others. We do need to be active and not passive…continuing to putting one foot in front of the other. I’m not convinced it’ll be alright in the end if we don’t participate. if just go all passive.

    I saw a video today made by a Holocaust survivor – she was 8 at the time of removal from France to a camp. Individuals made a difference, even there, because they actively engaged with others. Her mother made a difference by engaging – with chocolate (!).

    • Pat says:

      Fay, my choice of “everything is going to be okay” as a current mantra is probably because I need the belief right now in order to take the action. It enables me to keep on keeping on when I get discouraged. And you are so right, that for things to end well, we need to actively participate in doing what we know needs doing!
      Thanks for participating in this conversation!

    • Barbara Richards-LaPrath says:

      Yes, not to spoil the end for you, but everything is going to be okay.

      • Pat says:

        Barbara, remembering that “life is good, my life is good” and that things really do turn out more than just okay is a life-saver when I get down. Thanks for speaking up!

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    All of the quotes are great but I think the last one says it all. “Everything is going to be okay.” It’s hard sometimes to accept that because of current circumstances but it’s important to remember that because we get what we focus on. We can’t help being down or sad at times because that is the dance of the yin/yang. I remember a teacher once said: “You may wander into the swamp but you don’t have to stay there” and a patient once told me “You start feeling sorry for yourself and you’re a goner”. I watched “Cast Away” last night on TV and even though it’s fiction, it really isn’t because the character found himself in a situation that he couldn’t control, couldn’t escape and he was alone. He even tried at one point to kill himself and failed at that. So in his words he said he just had to keep breathing, keep living because you never know what the tide will bring in. So, we all are forced to just keep breathing, keep living, keep walking and yes, everything will be okay.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, had you heard the one that said, “though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you don’t have to stop and build a condo there” (must have been a real estate agent!)

  • mary kay pinnick says:

    Pat: I have not heard that one but I like it!!

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