Letting go and creating new!
We seem to like the idea of new beginnings. I’m letting go of some this season to prepare for my clean slate for fall. Here’s some mantras I’ve been using!

For my clean slate, I’m considering these for my fall thoughts:

In some areas of life, value is unlocked by starting. Even a five-minute exercise period or short walk can reset my mood and benefit my body.
In other areas, value is unlocked by finishing. It does me no good to build a bridge halfway across a river! I need to complete the project to realize the value.

Sometimes I need to start and sometimes I need to finish! I know a car will travel faster not only if I press the gas pedal, but also if I remove the speed bumps.
I believe that what we tell ourselves is what we are creating for ourselves. So it makes sense for me to be careful what I choose to tell myself!
And I plan to create and affirm thoughts (and then the actions) that will make my life pleasant, even joyful!
How about you?
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Knowing the truth is hard. Not knowing may be harde.