It’s YOUR hour!

Would you rather have your hour at the start of the day or the end of the day? After all 6am looks very different from 11pm!
When you got that “extra” hour today did you use it or just sleep in?
Actually setting the clock back as we did this morning gives us a potential way to get an “extra” hour in our day. When we get up as we normally did this week, our body is fine AND the clock says we have a “extra” hour.
This might be a great time to form a new regular habit (exercise? reading? working on a project?) because
- self-control is high,
- there are fewer distractions, and
- it’s highly predictable.
(I’m thinking of going back to journaling with my early morning time, or maybe just adding an evening reading time? We’ll see if I do!)

And isn’t it rather mind-boggling to realize that somebody actually had to not only figure it out but come up with a reason for folks to buy into the idea? And it does seem like a lot of us have bought into it, willing or not.
I do admit, however, that I agree with the quote below that many of you are familiar with!
What are your thoughts on the subject?
Any changes that you choose to make that are tied to the end (or start) of Daylight Saving Time?