It’s up to me?

There’s merit even in such a misattributed quote as this one that’s often attributed to Saint Francis.
I know in my heart that each of us serves as a role model for someone…a child, a friend, a stranger. We all look to others for guidance when we are confused or worried.
One song can spark a moment, One flower can wake the dream. One tree can start a forest, And one bird can herald the spring. One smile can begin a friendship. One smile can begin a friendship, One hand can lift a soul. One star can guide a ship at sea, And one word can frame the goal. One vote can change a nation. One sunbeam can light a room. One candle can wipe out the darkness, And one laugh can conquer gloom. One step must start each journey. One word must start each prayer. One hope can raise our spirits, And one touch can show we care. One voice can speak with wisdom, One heart can know what's true, One life can make the difference, You see-it's up to you.
I don’t know who wrote this, but I feel a personal need for it in these current times whenever I’m confused and feel powerless.
Maybe folks all through history have experienced similar feelings, but I know in my heart that it really is up to me, up to each of us, to create what we wish to see in our world.
1 Comment
Well said, Pat.