It’s only one day…

Posted by Pat on November 27, 2016 in Uncategorized |

-marcus aureliusThis week we celebrated Thanksgiving. For many it was just a day to relax and to abuse ourselves nutritionally! But even so, many of us do remember the meaning of the day. It is…

Thanks. Giving.

It is a day to express our thankfulness and gratitude for the people, opportunities, and blessings in our lives.

But it has a problem…

It is only one day. I believe that one of the fundamental cores of a good life is a routine, heartfelt expression of gratitude. It shouldn’t be just one day…it should be a daily habit.

We were taught as children to express our thanks for our homes, health, possessions, family, etc. And we often operate at this level of lip service. That’s why I think a day like Thanksgiving is often seen as “turkey day” and not much deeper. People just go shopping the next day and forget about it.

On this first level of gratitude, prayer of gratitudewe are “grateful for…” It is a reactionary form of gratitude.

On a deeper level, though, we are simply grateful.

Gratitude is something we ARE. It is a state of being, of consciousness.

And we cause our state of gratitude because we create the beauty and gifts of this world by what we choose to perceive. Our experiences are really a product of our thoughts and feelings.

So how do we remember to live in gratitude?

  • by taking baby steps,
  • by first expressing gratitude for the blessings we’ve received, and
  • by being grateful as a habit.

What works for you?

  • keeping a gratitude journal?
  • choosing good things to focus on just before going to sleep?
  • daily noticing kindness when you see it?

Whatever works for you, do it.

Do it long after Thanksgiving is over.

It can only enrich your life!

everyday is thanksgiving




  • Meg Chaffin says:

    I like my evening practice of “doing my gratefuls.” For as many things as I can recall during the day, I give thanks. Then I express gratitude for the coming of sleep, healing dreams, and bodily renewal.
    It is said that a day hemmed in with prayer tends not to come unraveled. Works for me.

    • Lea Lambel says:

      A nice reminder Pat. A day should not pass without stopping to realize all of the blessings we have. To be warm and comfortable, healthy and well fed. Blessed with friends and not afraid. There are so many things we take for granted!

  • Sandy smith says:

    Great Post! I am thankful for them.

  • Earl Blackaby says:

    For me it is grateful for waking up each day (knowing how quickly a stroke may happen).
    Then the goal in each day is try to find at least one thing to do that will help others. That is a thank you from me for still being here. Think of how much better we would be in this country if each of us was looking for something good to do for someone else. Now – here comes tomorrow.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, how true it is that waking up to a new day is a wonderful thing to be grateful for! And I love your idea of each of us daily looking for something good to do for someone else.

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