It’s all about you…

I saw a story online about Delta Air Lines and effective communication.
This last month, Delta sent an email from its CEO, Ed Bastian, to millions of its most loyal passengers. It was an effective email and one of its secrets was the way it repeated a singe word, over and over.
In the course of the 740-word message the second person pronoun and the second person possessive pronoun (“you” and “your” were repeated over and over, for a total of 44 times:
- “We know you expect more…”
- “…assure you that these challenges are temporary…”
- “The Delta team is here to serve you…”
- “ deserve to get to your destination at the time that best suits your travel plans…”
- “…save you time and give you more control over your trip…”
Yes, we all know that “you” is an extremely common word, but the repetition not only keeps the message focused on the customer’s perspective( rather than the airlines challenges or its employees’ efforts), but also offers a subtle, rhetorical reassurance that “this isn’t about us. It’s about you.”
So why do I find this significant? Because your co-workers, clients, friends, family need you to show them that they are your main concern and how what you have to say/do will affect them.

We sometimes struggle with the feeling that we are the center of the universe, but it is wise to remember that most everyone thinks they are the center of the universe!
Two things we could do when we meet someone are:
- We can imagine we are Sherlock Holmes. Everyone is the most interesting person in the world. Our job is to figure out why.
- Every person is an expert in something we are not. Learn from them.
Because everyone is a gift in our lives. Each is worthy of our attention, our respect, our appreciation.
Let’s give what we want to receive. After all, we are all connected and interdependent.
(we just may have forgotten!)
Well said, Pat. Thanks for the perspective shift.
Thanks for all the sage wisdom! I continue to follow it!
Wise Words
I have an older brother who is the Sherlock Holmes when he meets someone and it always fascinated me how he was so easy with it! This is a great reminder especially in today’s world. Thanks Pat!