Is Your To-Do List Ruining Your Life?

Posted by Pat on July 13, 2014 in Uncategorized |

 stressed zebraThere was an interesting article that suggested that to-do lists don’t work, that they make folks so stressed that they die an early death!

(okay, that’s a little over the top)

But because I’ve always done to-do lists, it certainly raised some questions in my mind.

One of the reasons they don’t work well, that I can’t argue with, is that the list creates stress! Every item on my list is something I haven’t done.

And the reason they are on my list is because I will feel stress until they are done. And I really know I’m not going to do all the things on my list.

I put too much on the list (do you?) That’s why this topic resonates with me.

My current to-do list includes activities for (but is not limited to…)

  • get ready to welcome my sister to live in our home
  • get ready to downsize into an apartment
  • care for my older and increasingly frail husband
  • write my weekly blog post
  • prepare for my monthly talk at the local Unity group
  • do two monthly newsletters for Realtors in my office
  • mentor three new agents at work
  •  do all those recurring mundane household chores

And what about those daily, weekly, yearly goal lists? Arrg!!!


So…what to do?

How about an “to be” list?


So I’m experimenting with a to-be list this month!

I’ve chosen such qualities of life to express as to…

  • Be creative (my favorite!)
  • Take care of my physical health (sleep, food, exercise)
  • Continue learning (reading, exploring new ideas)to do list
  • Be kind to someone


We can create an increased awareness of how we want to live our life.

And then we can do the next thing that’s important to us. It might be to take a nap. But it probably won’t  be watching  the Kardashians.

And, really, I know that if I live a healthy and creative life I will choose to do the next thing that’s important to me.


So far today I’m pleased to share that I…

  • got a walk in early (6am since it’s supposed to be over 100 degrees today)
  •  written this blog post and
  • read some inspiring and educational articles.


blog to do listSo, what do you think?

Can you live without your to-do list?

Modify it to include your most important to-be items and fewer “should’s”?


Can we just work play with some choices that will make us happier? Do any of the choices in the two images resonate with you?

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  • dennywagaman@gmail.com says:

    I have used a to do list starting in high school. I have a future and a daily list. They both are “chores” that must be (dailey) and then should/will be completed. T

    I have never given thought of the one like “to be creative” for example. Humm i will have to give that more thought.

    Thanks !

    • Pat says:

      Great to hear from you Denny! We list makers have to have an open mind about our lists!

  • Earl Blackaby says:

    My to-do list is actually a “reminder” list so that I don’t forget something. It gives you time to write down things to use in the near future but not a “do-it-now” list. Prevents stress when the time arrives.
    Gives things for your head to work on now and enjoy the planning or thinking. Enjoy the walk, or the book which often puts the ideas in your head to write down for future use.
    There are to-do now things (as the 2 week vacation), but having prepared your list in the past days, things are much easier and less stressful now.
    Use your “to-be” list today, your “reminder” list for tomorrow, and enjoy life. If have a camera take it with you, then concentrate on the next picture and head is cleared of stuff.

  • Tish says:

    Yes “to do” lists put way too much stress on me si I’m going to call it my reminder list from here on as Earl suggests. Love the idea of the “to be” list am will incorporate it now! Thanks fo r a great blog!

    • Pat says:

      Tish, I too have decided to call my old to-do list a reminder list as Earl suggests. After all, my to-be list is important to the overall quality of my life, but stuff still needs to get done!

  • A wise person once said “A rose by any other name is still a rose”. So a reminder list is still a to do list.

    My mantra is if I don’t want to do it, I don’t have to. Then I make a cup of tea and pick up a book. I am reading Walden now so I am realizing life can be a lot simpler and most things we think are important are not so much. As my mother used to say: “A hundred years from now, nobody will know the difference”.

  • Oops, that should read “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay, Familiarity breeds complacency-I didn’t even catch the discrepancy in the quote. Guess I saw what I expected to see!

  • Fay says:

    For quite a while now I’ve called my To Do list a List of Possibilities . While it’s a list of what needs to get done, it’s not a required thing to actually do them in a specific time frame. When I’m ready to so something I just read down to see if there’s something on it that fits my mood and time available. Then, go back and pick up that book to read, go sit out in the woods, play the harp, knit, go pet the horses! Most don’t get finished on that day. No biggie. (I LOVE being retired!)

    Unfortunately, right now the To Do list has to be a for real list. Moving requires it. Its an uncomfortable mind shift on the list idea and will change back ASAP!

    • Pat says:

      Fay, I remember that I was supposed to teach you to be responsible and you were to teach me to have fun! Once your move is made you’ll be able to role model for me (not so much the fun as the relaxing!)

  • Marla Werner says:

    Pat, I love the things you put on your list, i.e., being creative, taking care of yourself, being kind, and continue learning. As I’ve gotten older, I feel the need to generate more lists just to remember the things I “need” to do. Fay’s idea of naming the list a “List of Possibilities” is another great idea. I have just retired and it’s nice not to feel the pressure of getting everything done today.

    • Pat says:

      Marla, great to hear from you! We gals who retire completely or partially seem to have more stuff on our lists because we’ve been putting things off UNTIL we retire!

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