In celebration…

Posted by Pat on June 30, 2013 in Uncategorized |

blog shakespeare

Last year at this time I deliberated much like this cartoon:

But I’m celebrating now! It’s actually surprising to me that I’ve been blogging weekly for a whole year!

I hope you enjoy reading the posts as much as I am enjoying creating them.

And as I look back, you readers seemed to respond most enthusiastically to the blog that was posted  at the Life is..? post where I listed eight of my favorite quotes that day and you shared yours wholeheartedly.

Maybe it’s my English teacher background or maybe it’s my bookstore owner background or maybe I’m just quirky, but I love collecting quotes!

I have so many favorites and am always finding more, so I’m planning on doing  a monthly feature of quotes and I hope you will continue to choose your favorite and send me those I’ve missed. Thanks so much!

So…which of these eight quotes resonate with you?

Hammer and Nails

” If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.”

 Abraham Maslow



blog little things

“Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.” curious child

Jess Lair


perfect summer day


“It’s postwo watchessible to own too much. A man with one watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never quite sure!”

Lee Segal


Lao Tzu quoteolder but not old

And, finally, perhaps my favorite of the moment:

chololate is a favorite

“You’re on my list of things I love most-right below chocolate!”

Mary Englund


 So, how about your favorites?



Please share your quotes or your favorite one from these and thank you for your support and love this first year of my blog!

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  • Carol says:

    Well, you had to know that my favorite quote would be the one about chocolate! I seem to be collecting sayings about chocolate and my favorite one is “Put down the chocolate and nobody will get hurt.”

    • Pat says:

      Good to hear from you! When are you heading over to see Betty and Madge?
      I’m always on the lookout for chocolate quotes and will add your suggestion to my list!

  • Barbara McAllister says:

    I loved Lao Tzu’s quote–a good clear reminder for me. I too am a lover of good quotes, but have to write them down someplace or they’re quickly forgotten. My recent favorites are in the side columns of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, a study group Joy Kachel is leading at her home on Friday mornings. Example: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” Anais Nin. “When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate.” C.G. Jung. And one of my recent most favorites: “Music is your own experience, your thoughts, your wisdom. If you don’t live it, it won’t come out your horn.” Charlie Parker. Congrats on your one year blog anniversary, AND your birthday Wednesday July 3. May you always have fireworks in your life. Barbara McA, W2

    • Pat says:

      Barbara, thanks so much for sharing your favorite quotes. I’ll have to re-check Julie Cameron’s book!

  • Meg says:

    My favorite is a personal one that applies to life as well. As a golfer, I frequently tell myself, “If you don’t want it (the ball) there, don’t hit it there.”

  • Tish says:

    Loved the one about children! Actually they all were great and each has a meaning to think about depending on where you are in your day!

    • Pat says:

      Tish, both you and Cecelia choose the same quote which is a strong reminder that we are merely the channels through which new life comes. Our children are a gift!

  • Cecelia says:

    Congratulations Pat, truly enjoy your blog, so keep up the good work. The quotes of today, I like the one about children, as I watch my daughter parent her daughter, I am reminded that it is truly an unfolding, not a molding. So cheers today and everyday and a special Happy Birthday to you on the 3rd. Joy, love and light to you always.


    • Pat says:

      Cecelia, thanks for your birthday wish! Another year older and maybe wiser? Watching our children raise their children is an education, isn’t it?

  • Dave Klein says:

    I like the one about the watches. In our materialistic culture, it’s almost blasphemy to say one could own too much, but you can.

    • Pat says:

      Good to hear from you Dave! The more “stuff” we have, the more we have to store it, display it, protect it, dust it…you get the picture.

  • Earl Blackaby says:

    Unfolding your children is my favorite.
    Earl B

  • […] post. This is my third post and if you’d like to check out the other two postings go to:  http://www.wisdomenough.com/in-celebration/  for June’s post and to […]

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