How you do anything…
It all matters! It’s about acting in alignment with our values and beliefs, whether in the “important” or the “unimportant” things, whether unprepared or uncomfortable.
Everything we do is practice for who we are becoming.
We are not the product of our dreams, our desires, our potential or what we could be someday, somehow, in the perfect environment.
We are what we do. We are the culmination our our actions. So it matters…not just what we do…but how we do it.

I like what President Andrew Johnson was reputed to have said. He was a tailor before he entered politics. “My garments never ripped or gave way,” he had said…”when I used to be a tailor I had the reputation of being a good one, and making close fits, always punctual with my customers, and always did good work.”
(How good a tailor am I)?
An artist is given many different canvases in their lifetime and what matters is that they treat each one as a priority. Whether it’s the most glamorous or highest paying is irrelevant. Each project matters.
Everything we do matters-whether it’s caring for our pet or learning a new skill. Everything is an opportunity to do it well. We grow by each effort and by our determination to do our best.
The choice we make today to get some exercise or to let ourselves run late for a commitment may or may not seem important. It’s not necessarily “who we are” but rather it is just what we are choosing to be “in the moment.”
But…life is made up of these moments!

How we do anything IS how we do everything. Are we doing it as well as we can?
I do so agree. It what keeps me exercising every morning, but only if I want to feel good.
A great message! And perfect timing! I just wrote in my journal the other day, “Every day is practice, and you never know when the test will be!” Thanks for sharing this!