Here comes the sun!

Summer has finally arrived, even when the weather doesn’t seem to agree! And June to me is a month of celebrating Life! The recent graduates are beginning their new lives; we celebrate the masculine influences in our lives with Father’s Day; and the summer solstice brings the longest day of sunlight.
I recently saw an article that talked about the power of one ray of sunlight. Did you know that it takes about 8 minutes and 20 seconds for that one ray of sun to arrive on that blade of grass in the yard?
Everything on earth depends on the sun doing what it does.

That same source that can scorch and burn like the sun in the tropics can also gently enter into the tiniest of cells in a plant and give it life.
With the increasing light, nature is showing off in all its beauty. And even when the sun is hiding behind a cloud, it is always there.
And so I believe it is with us. The life, the light, within us is always there even if seemingly obscured by circumstances in our life or hiding behind our fears.
As you enjoy the sun warming your world, let yourself also enjoy your light illuminating your life and those of those around you. This is a time for celebration of all that you have and all that is available to you.

Will you let your light shine?