Have to or…get to?
Every day you “have to” wake up, maybe you have to get dressed, have to go to work, and have to do a bunch of other things. What if you did not “have to” do any of it? There is one word that can change the whole way you think, act and live your life!

When I was battling cancer I remember thinking (and saying) “I have to go to the doctor, have to have surgery, have to do chemotherapy, have to have radiation, have to deal with fear.”
But one small change, one simple word, helped me refocus. From “have” to “get” to gave me a new perspective.
And when I “got to” do these things, I also got the chance to survive and to thrive. Life is indeed a gift and we are each blessed to be here to experience it with all of its varied opportunities!
So many times in life we act as if we don’t have a choice. But in reality, we do have a choice. We can choose our attitude and our actions. We can choose how we view our life and work. We can realize that every day is a gift and that it’s not about what we “have” to do. It’s about what we “get” to do.
Many of our “have to’s” that we take for granted other folks would give anything to have. We are indeed fortunate that we “get to” wake up every morning, do what is our task to do. We are not refuges facing massive uncertainty. We do not live in a war-torn country. And whether we choose to wear a mask, to practice good hygiene, maintain appropriate social distancing or to make different choices, it is still a choice that we “get to” make!
I am very grateful each time I am reminded of the choices that I can make!
And I hope that you are too!