Half way through?

We’re half way through 2024! Really.
We often act as if we had all the time in the world. Yet we really do know that our time here on earth is finite. And time often seems to fly by.
What if we realize that we may have already lived 50%, 75% of our life span. (for some of us, it might even be more!) With that thought, would you do anything differently today, this week, this month? Think about it:
- Has it been a good year for you so far?
- Have you achieved some of your goals?
- Are you on track to achieve any of them?
- What can you do differently for the rest of the year?
Are you like me?
In my case, my first half wasn’t as good as it could be. For example, my goal of building some exercise into each day has been rather haphazard. I think maybe I wanted the “doing” to be easy, but the “not doing” turned out to be easier!

On the other hand, I did make a move from living alone in my apartment to moving back into my house with my sister this year. (and it wasn’t even a goal in January!) I got it done and it’s working out fine.
Of course, there is more that I’d like to get done this year, but I find my potential goals are a bit hazy. Maybe I won’t make goals, but rather focus on intentions?
Goals seem to be results and intentions are more or less the energy I put in at the start of something. Goals seem to be a pass/fail type of activity. Intentions seem to be the idea of moving in the direction I want.
After all, pass/fail was just for classes, not for life!
What about you? How has your first half of 2024 gone (with or without goals)?