Got a moment?

Posted by Pat on June 22, 2014 in Uncategorized |

 DaliEver been told to “just wait a moment…”

What is a moment? It’s really an extraordinary thing, more so than we usually realize.

We usually use the word “moment” to mean a very short amount of time, maybe one or two seconds, and therefore rather negligible.

But we’ll never find a moment on a clock because it is not a unit of time.

There’s no meter that measures a moment, because a moment is immeasurable. The word “moment” actually comes from a Latin word meaning “a particle sufficient to turn the scales.”Eureka moment

This suggests that a moment, though seemingly very small, has enormous power.

When we think about all the creative and scientific discoveries that happened suddenly and spontaneously – those “Eureka” moments- we can see how significant a moment can be.

If you reflect on those moments in your own life in which something dramatic happened unexpectedly, you will realize that just one moment can turn everything around.

  • an unexpected “Aha” moment,
  • a tragic accident,
  • an heartfelt connection with someone,
  • an awe-inspiring moment in nature.

But if a moment is not a unit of time, then what is it? I like to think that it is an experience of timelessness. When I am in the moment, it’s like I stepped outside of time.

I seem to let go of the story I’m telling about myself all the time. My story is built on time: the past as I remember it, the future as I imagine it.

But when I’m fully in the moment, there is no thought of past or future; only this moment-no story. here now cartoon

I’m right here, accepting this moment for what it is, the timeless present-what is happening now. This timeless present appears again and again, one moment after another, and each time, it feels brand new.

Remembering this truth, I get to practice over and over again. And that’s okay because it keeps me awake, alert, aware!

I know that’s what meditation or yoga is supposed to do for me. And yet the moment seems to most often come upon my awareness suddenly, unexpectedly, and delightfully more than through effort.

And because I know that this moment is the only time there is, I continue to want this experience renewed, again and again. My awareness must be refreshed continually!

There are breath-taking vistas,

heart-stopping experiences,

joy-filled moments

whenever I choose to awaken to them.

How about you?

 What has made you







  • Very interesting. I like moments. I think I will have more of them.

  • Tish says:

    I have had lots of moments but none more meaningful than the birth of my children and then witnessing the birth of my grandchildren! It is so peaceful to be in the here and now…..takes away the past and future and gives you the time to experience what is.

    • Pat says:

      Mary Kay and Tish! It really is the moment in the here and now that adds to our memories of moments. Let’s have lots of them!

  • Earl Blackaby says:

    There are those “moments” that affect the rest of your life.
    There comes the times in your life to choose your path. Take the left turn or the right turn. Yogi Berra said when trying to get to his house, take either turn. Doesn’t usually work, but with Yogi it did – he lived on a circular drive.
    My second year at the U of Oregon began with a leg injury that stopped my track “career” and put me on the student path w/o athletics and a need to figure out girls. Until this time most of my time had been at athletics year around, some work on classes, and not much time with the girls most of my friends were good at that.
    My fraternity party was coming soon and with no date, so I had a blind date set up for me. No problem. But, that moment did get my attention. Things just happen and timing just works out once in a while. My wife Sandi and I have been going steady now for almost 50 years. I am still in training but getting better. (Friday the 13th of November, 1964 – you don’t forget those “moments”).

    • Pat says:

      Earl, thank you so much for sharing such a memorable moment! No wonder at all that Friday the 13th is a lucky (and blessed) day for you!

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