From buds to blossoms

Posted by Pat on April 5, 2015 in Uncategorized |

 buds to flowersLet’s take advantage of our spring!

We can see the process of birth,  growth, then disintegration everywhere we look in nature depending on the season, but for now it’s the time for buds to blossom!

Flowers and leaves (and even us people!) begin life as organisms so tiny we cannot see them with the naked eye. With time, they become visible, curled in upon themselves, colorful buds slowly softening and releasing. With the proper warmth and moisture, they unfold little by little, revealing with each degree of opening a new color, shape, or dimension.

As days go by, the bloom slowly moves through more stages, revealing still more colors, shapes and dimensions of its essence. And then it falls apart, or wilts, or closes back in on itself.

When we appreciate the full beauty of each stage of the cycle of life, from bud to blossom to disintegration, we can feel more at home with our own earthly process.

Our spring is a time where opportunities arise. We can be inspired to experience this stage to its fullness, knowing that our time to give of ourselves in this way will come to aging women

When we feel the wisdom contained in the budding, blossoming, and dissolution of a simple flower, we can begin to feel it everywhere, in each moment that comes and goes, in each sunrise and sunset, in every hello and goodbye.

In spring flowers blossom and creatures come out of their hibernation.

Even the chick leaves the egg!

 chicken and egg

The same thing applies within our life. After a challenging time, we may be faced with a great opportunity.

Let’s all take full advantage of our springs when they pop up! This is our moment to plant the seeds of our life to come. And we acknowledge that it can always be spring in our hearts.

We can make our springs the springboard to getting where we want to go.

Are you feeling the urge to “spring forward” or burst out with energy? If so, what do you plan to do with that momentum and energy?

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