Four more ideas for gifts
Did you know there is even another way to go about holiday giving, better than the above Four-Gift Rule?
And it’s create, recycle, make a date, and donate!
Here’s how it works:
Create-DIY gifts made with love and the personal touch are special. Most are neither expensive nor time consuming and can be heaps of fun, when made together. Just Google it! There are myriad sites and YouTubes that offer ideas and guidelines. AND, what makes these gifts a super win is the time you spend with your kids or friends creating them.
Recycle-The saying One man’s trash is another man’s treasure has much truth to it. We all have things we no longer use and may be bored with, items that others may enjoy. We can all do this, as we make room for what is coming.
Make a Date-The thing kids want more than anything from their parents is their time and undivided attention. You get to have fun too! Make them one-on-one and allow each child to choose where they want to go and what they want to do. You can make them last the entire year with an outdoor date, a restaurant date, a cooking date…
and it can work well in reverse! Sometimes we neglect our parents while we are preoccupied with our youngsters! So plan a date with one (or both) of your parents!
Donate- There is so much need and no end to worthy charities to choose from. Involve the kids as well and let them choose where they want to donate. It doesn’t always have to be about money. The kid toys and books are nice, but outgrown clothes can go to a worthy cause.
The beauty of this Four-Gift Rule is that there are no end to the possibilities. And it not only “feels good” but encourages us all to become aware and make choices that will benefit not only ourselves but also others.

Choose your feelings this season by choosing your actions!
1 Comment
Good Reminder! Time is precious and a gift of love.