Drop by drop…

When a project seems too big, it’s easy for me to get discouraged from even starting it. Buddha’s wisdom is a good reminder to me to start with tiny steps, with what seem to be just drops.
Back in my younger days, I used to get all fired up and want to get everything done once and for all, and RIGHT NOW! Took that workshop, read that inspiring book and turned on the fire hydrant (and sent that water pot flying around the room.)
Not good.
And sometimes I’d decide it was all just too overwhelming and I’d be doubtful about being able to “do it.” And then I’d procrastinate beginning it.
That slogan “Just do it!” sounded cool but I was still intimidated.

A much better slogan for me seems to be “Just get started!”
And worrying about whether I can or will “finish” gets in my way. So…just starting is all I have to do.

Just getting started, little by little, step by step, can work for me. It is easier to beat my tendency to procrastinate if I start really small, but at least get started.
Anyone else find themselves planning but not executing?
Dreaming but not doing?
Here’s a couple of reminders that I use:
And sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t .
But that’s okay. I win some and lose some, don’t you?