Don’t wait!

Worry takes a lot of effort and accomplishes nothing of value. And at the same time, due to the time-horizon of the pandemic, it’s also tempting for us to simply wait. To wait for things to get back to normal. But all the time we’re spending waiting (for a normal that is unlikely to be just like it was) is time we’re not spending learning, connecting, contributing.
Waiting is, sort of by definition, a waste of time. But time is scarce, so wasting it is a shameful act.
What if we decided to simply reduce our waiting and worrying allocation by 50%. Just imagine what might be different.
We can still wait (after all, time will pass either way). And we can still worry (even though it doesn’t do any good). But perhaps we can figure out how to do it less.
Whatever you do, don’t wait. Don’t wait for tomorrow. Not again. Not now. It’s time. This is it. One life, one time. No do overs. Don’t wait.
If you want to learn the piano, learn one chord today. If you want to write a book, write one paragraph today. If you want to run a marathon, run for ten minutes today. If you want to bury the hatchet, call one relative today.

Objects can’t move without momentum. You have to be in motion to stay in motion. It doesn’t want ahow small – it only matters that it’s there. Imperceivable growth now brings exponential growth later. You have to trust the imperceivable. Do the small things first. You must crawl before you can run – but you must start.
Urgency isn’t coming. Urgency isn’t the postman. It’s not reliable. It won’t show up each day at 3. But if you’re already checking the door, you might as well go out for a run. You show up at 3.

You must be the one to bring the urgency. You must understand that life is finite. You need to allow for that to click in. And you need to do that today.

If you want to be a better human, do one thing differently today. Whatever you do, don’t wait. don’t wait for tomorrow. Not again. Don’t wait.
Life is NOW!
YOUR life is NOW!
Don’t miss it!
Yes, I’ve done it: wait until the kids are grown, I have more money, more time, more energy, all my chores are done…
After all is behind me, then I’ll begin that project. Wasn’t going to happen. So I came up with a multitude of 5 minute tasks or even 3 minute starters. Works so much better that way.
I used to tell my mother that I would do “it” tomorrow. When she answered with “Tomorrow never comes”, it made me very mad cause I didn’t understand it. Kids have to be a certain age before they understand abstract things. Now I do understand and I still say I’ll do it tomorrow.
Mary Kay, I love it! I too have come to understand and still choose to put ‘it’ off!
Very true! The most difficult part is making that one decision to do something different. One that is decided, the rest is simpler. We can’t count on other people or situations getting better, but we can count on ourselves.
Great topic Pat, especially during this pandemic. The risk can be to sit at home doing nothing but watching TV. Making that decision to do something different does make all the difference!
Sandy, I agree about the risk we take when NOT doing. I admire your choice to write and am looking forward to seeing the results of both your projects!