Do you have a prediction?

Posted by Pat on January 10, 2016 in Uncategorized |

new year catDo you have any surefire predictions for 2016?

I do! (thanks to Seth Godin and his blog)

See if you agree with any of them!

I’m betting on the following happening in 2016:


Something obvious will become obvious.

That thing that everyone was afraid of won’t come to pass.

We’ll waste more than a billion hours staring at screens. prediction(That’s in total, but for some people it might feel like an individual number.) 

Out of the corner of your eye, you’ll notice something new that will delight you.

You’ll be criticized for work that you did, even though it wasn’t done for the person who didn’t like it.

Some people will gain (temporary) power by ostracizing the other, amplifying our fears and racing to the bottom.

And the long-term trend toward connection, dignity and possibility will continue. Slowly.

Opportunities will be missed. Lessons will be learned.oops

You’ll say or write something that will shine a light, open a door and make a connection.

Nothing will be as perfect as we imagined it. Many things will be better than that, though.

You will start something. And you will quit something.



That expensive habit that you don’t even enjoy that much will continue to be expensive.

We’ll forget some hard lessons but we’ll also learn some new ones.

A pretty safe list, because, of course, this always happens!


What would be on your list of predictions?

Do any of these seem possible to you?


look to future




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