Do you coddiwomple?
I thought this was one of those words used long ago in Ireland or Scotland. Nope, this word is modern English slang. I love it!
(even though as a previous English teacher, I think I should have know it !)
What triggered this post was a friend who posted on Facebook a delightful explanation of his tarot reading business:
“…we specialize in assisting coddiwomplers by catering to their unique coddiwompling needs. If you or anyone you know have experienced recent difficulties coddiwompling, developed the sudden urge to coddiwomple, or simply desire a safe, anxiety-free method of exploring your coddiwompling tendencies, then please reach out and try our services.”

Life is a smorgasbord of many wonderful and messy morsels. It is joyful effervescence, day-to-day mediocrity, and teeth-gritting, eye-wiping emotional challenges. The signage at life’s intersections is often tattered and worn, so, yes, at times our final destination can seem very vague indeed.
Currently I am coddiwompling my way through life, though I didn’t know what to call it until now. Even though it sounds like a fairy tale word, it is how I live.
I do live with purpose. My purpose is to have fun, laugh, explore, learn, share what I’m enjoying!
Purpose yes. Expectations no.
It’s how I can stumble upon unexpected moments and memories.
I know that sometimes in travel and in life, expectations can ruin the experience, just because it is not how I imagined it. For me, this shows why coddiwompling is the best way to travel and live.
Over the years it has given me great pleasure, via my written “coddiwomplings” with this blog, to share with you some of my purposeful and personal introspections and journeys.
So…I invite you to coddiwomple with me!
Nicely said! Happy 10th anniversary of postings!
I love this word! Now I know what I’ve been doing this whole time. Coddiwompling!
Love this and that is what life truly is all about!