Do it all or don’t

Posted by Pat on October 16, 2016 in Uncategorized |

instinctEvery life form except human beings operates by instinct in its genetic code. It has no multiple choice, no other options.

In the winter, the goose flies south. Why? Because he’s a goose. He couldn’t fly west. If you said to the goose that it’d be better to go west, he’d ignore that advice. Why? Because he has no choice. He’s driven by instinct.

Except human beings…

Now, why not us? Because we have given the gift of choice.

We’re not like a robot.

We’re not stuck like a tree, using up all the nourishment and, with nothing left, dying because we can’t change're not a tree We can go north, south, east, west. We’ve been given the opportunity to choose.

And what do we do with our choices?

Though other life forms strive to grow to the maximum of their potential, do we?

How tall will a tree grow? A tree grows as high as it can, drives down every root it can, produces every leaf it can, extends itself as far as it possibly can.

We’ve (individually and collectively)  been given the opportunity of choice. We can be part of (or all of) what we have the potential to be. Do we choose to grow to the maximum of our potential?

We’ve got choices!

We can do a little to make ourselves comfortable and forget the rest or we can commit to doing it all. (There’s nobody dictating we’ve got to do it all.)

We can do a little, do some, do some more.

We can take advice, but don’t have to take orders.

We can take information, training, or teaching, but we don’t have to do what someone else may have told us about how to live or what we need to own or what we need to do.

Life is full of possibilities and we each choose what we want to experience. We do acknowledge that there are laws that we can’t ignore. (fundamental, spiritual, agricultural…basic laws) And, we know the law of cause and effect is always at work in our lives.


we still design our own lives by the decisions we make and the consequences that ensue.accept consequences

There’s really no right nor wrong, just  our choices.

So what would make you happy?

  • take a little,
  • take a lot,
  • do something,
  • do nothing, or
  • ignore it all?

lennon on happy


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