
Posted by Pat on February 21, 2016 in Uncategorized |

computer dazeHelp! My “computer” has too much stuff on it!

Does yours?

And, yes, I am talking about my mind and my life!
My life and my mind operate like a computer but are so much more, that it’s a shame I’ve let them get so cluttered.

It’s time to exercise my “God-given” right and ability to use that wonderful option of “Ctrl-Alt-Delete.”

We all come into this world with no personal beliefs. And we didn’t have much choice as our environment programmed us. We act out of our pre-programming until we are willing to consciously take charge, examine, and choose!
And whether those beliefs that we absorbed were about

  • the universe being friendly or unfriendly, ctrl-alt-delete
  • which football team was the absolute best,
  • which political belief was the only correct one,
  • and which people were okay and which were not depending on their color/race/gender,

we have (mostly unconsciously) adopted and/or rejected and created our personal world view.
We have video tapes in our minds about ourselves and our world and they continue to shape our destinies. We have allowed ourselves to be brainwashed.

                        We need to…

  • become aware,ctrl-alt-delete
  • to short circuit the systems that no longer work for us,
  • write our story anew, and
  • reboot our system.




It feels right (and scary too!) to re-evaluate what I’m thinking, feeling, and doing.

I have some old beliefs that I’m not even sure where they came from. But I know I no longer need them. (Some of them are decades old!)

And I’ve now chosen to replace them with thoughts, feelings and actions that represent my values of

  • resilience,
  • allowing,
  • accepting,
  • caring.

It just takes repetition to change my thoughts. And that will change my feelings. Changing my actions takes me more time, but is well worth it.

What would be worth it to you to change?




  • Earl Blackaby says:

    Reboot your system every day with the new challenge to yourself. ( A camera comes in handy ). Get out and see what is up for the new day. Every day is different and brings something new to be seen if you just take the chance to look around. With a camera there is always the chance to see something new, around the next corner, over the next hill. It keeps you going and the time goes quickly. Maybe this is the time for something great, if not, there is the next time.It is the positive start to search for something good. There is always tomorrow.

    • Pat says:

      Earl, I agree with your choice to reboot daily! I think it’s a good way to keep the backlog from getting created and then getting out of hand.

  • Barbara Richards-LaPrath says:

    Yes, let’s pause and reboot.

  • Tish says:

    I agree with Earl as well. We should look at each day as a blessing and a new beginning. If you made a mistake yesterday in something you said or did you need not bring it along as spare baggage and keep dwelling on it. Fix your mistake with an apology or an action and don’t keep reliving it – reboot instead and make positive steps!

    • Pat says:

      Tish, As we move along in years, we have many, many opportunities to add baggage (some from others, some inherited, some we manufacture!)
      But, hey, we’re older and wiser now! So dumping what no longer serves us, adding what does, will add years to our lives and life to our years!

  • meg.chaffin says:

    I think this what I’m doing each morning when I declare before I get up that this is a new day, never before experienced, and I am new in it. Then I pay close attention to what transpires as the day progresses and express my gratitude that night.

    • Pat says:

      Meg, what a great beginning to what will then turn out to be a great day. You named it and claimed it!

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