Christmas Eve and books!

In this Christmas season of 2020, books might well be a solution for us. I know books make me happier! I think Iceland is on to something with their Christmas Book Flood idea. A 2013 study showed that 50% of Icelandics read more than 8 books in a year and 93% read at least one in a year.
And when you add chocolate to the mix like they do, well, count me in!

In my birth family tradition, having a book with you always was a smart thing to do. (You never knew when you might have to stand in a line or wait for someone.) My husband said he learned to do this in self defense!
So here are some of my favorite thoughts about books and reading…
And as a wise man once said…

And the slogan I used when I owned and managed a bookstore a number of years ago was a quote for Garrison Keillor:
“A book is a gift you can open again and again.”
So what book would YOU choose this Christmas?

Thinking seriously about moving to Iceland. Books and chocolate! I always have several going at on.
Now I have another excuse to eat chocolate (well, if I really must).
The treasures I find lately are mostly old, and they are the most fascinating.
The best suggestion yet!
A tree of books! That’s a good idea but what does one do if one wants a book in the middle?
Memories of childhood with you! AND they’re still happening! Books everywhere, always. All kinds of books – serious ones, funny ones, quick-reads, ponderous reads. Per the Pflaum girls’ tradition: more than one going at once. And isn’t it great that Dr. Sagan agrees that we can work magic with books?