Change the clocks…again?
Well, did you “fall back” today? After all, it’s the end of Daylight Savings Time for this year. I love this image as it questions our “logical” minds! (How long is your blanket?) Did we really gain an hour of daylight this year? Is it just a metal illusion, a trick we play on ourselves? […]
Thermometer or thermostat?
Given our ever-changing weather, have you been messing around with your house thermostat? When it gets too warm, do you have the air conditioner on? Too cold and have the heater kick on? In biology “comfort zone” means the range between 28 and 30 degrees Centigrade at which the naked body is able to maintain […]
feeling creative?
There is fascinating research saying that 98% of us test as highly creative at the age of five, and by age twenty-five, only 2% of us test that way. (Guess what that means for us seniors!) Since this is the month of Halloween, I looked for some creative jack-o-lanterns online. Eight years ago, I did […]
Squirrels as role models!?
Squirrels are just lowly rodents to some folks, but to admirers they are high flying acrobats, fuzzy tailed philosophers, scampering tree huggers, and resourceful survivors. (They are also awfully cute!) There are some life lessons we can learn from them! Consider these: First, we all know this easy one…to save for the future! The smart […]
Potholes in life!
I’ve discovered potholes can be of use. And that’s a good thing, because there seem to be so many of them! We often slow down, become more alert, and drive around them carefully. As a metaphor, they can make us aware of the places in our lives where we need to exercise care and caution. […]
Fall as a new beginning?
Summer is over. Fall is here! School is underway. Halloween decorations are everywhere. Fall is a fun, new beginning for me. I love it’s fresh energy, the “clean slate” feeling. And I love checking things off my “to do” lists. I hate having tired goals, unfinished goals; so I redo them to make me feel […]
I often eat dessert first!
(My sister and I were smart enough never to hire the applicant who said “I’d give anything to work in a chocoate store!” for we knew we couldn’t affort the loss of inventory!) We’ve all been overwhelmed with the messages to take pleasure when and where we can: Don’t worry-BE HAPPY! ENJOY LIFE NOW-this is […]
The rights of the reader!
This French author has quite the list! Let me know which of these resonate with you and/or if you have found others. The right to read anywhere! And the right to reread! Plus these too… We can skip pages if we want. And don’t forget the right to not have to defend our taste! No […]
Do less?!
Matthew McConaughey had shut down his production company and his music label because as he said…”I was making B’s in five things. I want to make A’s in three things.” (Those three things were his family, his foundation, his acting career.) Stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius would say that doing less “brings a double satisfaction.” We […]
Letting go and creating new!
We seem to like the idea of new beginnings. I’m letting go of some this season to prepare for my clean slate for fall. Here’s some mantras I’ve been using! For my clean slate, I’m considering these for my fall thoughts: In some areas of life, value is unlocked by starting. Even a five-minute exercise […]