Are You a 200-watt Bulb or a Nightlight?
Whatever your reasons for being a bright or dim light, it is still a choice you make. (As I do as well!) Each of us can be “the light of the world.” We are enlightened beings; we have much wisdom, insight, joy, compassion and love that we can shower on others, blessing them. I believe […]
Change is in the air!
In our highly technological environment today, it is easy to miss the natural cycle changes in nature. For regardless of nature’s obvious cycles, we have created a lifestyle that allows us to play and work without being aware of them. Yet our bodies’ clocks still know deep down that a change of season means a change […]
Where would you rather have your hour?
If you suddenly had an extra hour in your day, where would you rather have the hour? At the end of the day, or at the start of the day? I’ve found that the hour of 6:00-7:00am looks very different from the hour of 11:00-midnight! And how would you use it? Do you just “sleep […]
Calling all bookworms!
WHO KNEW?! Contrary to what is often reported in the mainstream media, books are not dead. But they do have to contend for their existence against all other forms of media! And, perhaps, it’s readers that are disappearing, not the books! So…here’s some of my favorite images about my favorite pastime-reading! Let me know what […]
Inertia? Idleness? Listlessness?
Are these three words the same as the “lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” from the Wizard of Oz? I hope they’re not going to be my own personal demons! I do like Garfield’s explanation better! No, it is physics! (Isn’t it?) The dictionary defines inertia as: lack of movement or activity especially when movement […]
Sick and tired?
Aarg…I don’t get sick (well hardly ever) and I don’t like it one bit, but here I am miserable and contagious! So since I can’t really think, or write, (or even read!) because it all hurts, I won’t think, write, or read! So sorry. I’ve been doing this blog since June of 2012 and haven’t […]
Potholes, I’ve discovered, can have a useful purpose. And that’s a good thing, because there seem to be so many of them! Yes they are annoying. My husband cringes whenever I hit one, no matter how carefully I try to avoid it. (He may be a “bit” dramatic about it, But I think it’s only […]
Thoughts to think about!
There’s so many great ideas on life, love, laughter and the beliefs we choose to enhance our quality of life! Here’s some of mine and I hope you’ll share some of yours! Audrey was such a graceful person as well as one I enjoyed in each of the movies I saw her […]
Two extra months!
Two full extra months! Just got another calendar from a grateful non-profit. And guess what! They gave me an extra two months! Yep! That’s a total of 426 days instead of just a mere 365! Have you gotten one yet? If not, just check out the calendars that are currently appearing in your bookstore, your […]