Random thoughts on square pegs…
“Square peg in a round hole” describes the individual who doesn’t fit into a specified niche. Is that you? Have you tried to fit into an uncomfortable slot? Has someone tried to make you fit into their perception of who you should be? Was he a square peg? And here’s an “Einstein idea” […]
Someone’s always watching you
Whether we notice it or not, people are paying attention. Since the way we act today influences how we’ll act tomorrow those actions influence others-whether they know it or not. It could be your children, your parents, your friends, your non-friends, the neighbors, your co-workers… Are you a good example or a terrible warning? The way we […]
How good do you have to be?
If you expect perfection, you only guarantee yourself failure. Why? You’re a human being. Human beings make mistakes and sometimes they fail even with the best of intentions. The goal should not be perfection. The goal is to wake up tomorrow and do better than today. The goal is for June to be better than […]
What are you doing with YOUR chocolate?
Just like in an iron foundry, your chocolate is melted like pig iron. That which was solid becomes liquid, and is then poured into molds which are fashioned in different shapes. Neither the chocolate nor the pig iron itself chooses its own form. It is formless, ready to take any form supplied. (I personally prefer my […]
The Chocolate and Radish Experiment
What was the experiment? And, what did it mean? Psychologist Roy Baumeister, Phd, did some groundbreaking 1998 research on self-control. He kept the study participants in a room with freshly baked chocolate cookies. While some did get to indulge their sweet tooth, the subjects in the experimental condition, whose resolves were being tested, were asked to eat […]
Changing Others
Have you ever wished/prayed/ exhorted/pleaded for someone to change? “If only he would get a job.” “If only she would start exercising.” “If only he would stop smoking.” Yes, I know we only want them to change or realize their potential because they will be happier, more productive and achieve greater fulfillment. Right? But […]
The Blackboard of Your Life
Have you ever thought of your life as a chalk board? One on which you consciously or unconsciously write those messages which govern you, your choices, and your behavior? Do you realize that you also hold the chalk and the eraser in your hand? You don’t have to be a “victim” of circumstances. What you are currently experiencing you don’t need to […]
“Ben & Jerry’s” graveyard!
Who knew? I didn’t! Ben & Jerry’s has a graveyard where discontinued flavors go to die! You know how sad we feel when our favorite food gets discontinued? Well, the guys at Ben & Jerry’s feel our pain. So much that they’ve created a graveyard where folks can go to pay their respects to all their favorite discontinued […]
Time for your inner spring cleaning?
While you’re cleaning out closets and garages, think about this: spring house cleaning, while worth the effort, will only last for a season. But personal, inner, spring cleaning can have a long-lasting influence. So don’t just dust behind those book shelves! Give yourself the gift of taking that spring cleaning to the deeper level, your […]
The race has officially begun!
Like it or not, the race has officially begun! It doesn’t matter whether the person belongs to “your” party or not. If you thought the mud was slinging before today, just wait. It’s only going to get worse. Why? Because that’s the nature of politics in America, particularly for a presidential race. But this isn’t about […]