And what are YOU doing this weekend?
It’s interesting that Europeans have more and longer holidays that we do! Maybe that’s why we make such a big deal of those we do have! The European Union countries guarantee a minimum of 20 paid vacation days. While we here in the US get an average of 9 paid vacation days and just 6 paid […]
Achievement or Accomplishment?
Lots of us accomplish things every day. You know, those of us with the to-do lists with our never-ending progressions of check marks! Go to the grocery store? Check. Get the laundry done? Check. Finish that blog post? Check. Sure we are getting stuff done. But are we really achieving anything? There’s a big difference […]
Post traumatic stress or growth?
We hear a lot about PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder. But we hear a lot less about the reverse: post-traumatic growth! Whatever the cause, traumatic stress is something most all of us have experienced, survived, and hopefully continued on to be able to flourish and thrive! Whether we have experienced divorce, bankruptcy, serious accident, loss of […]
Who is your mother?
Mothers: We all had one, having participating in the universal experience of being born, so we’re all in this together! But most of us have had the benefit of the nurturing experiences of mothering, even if it came from someone other than our birth mother. Food for Thought I […]
What do you complain about?
Over 50 years ago, spiritual and political leader Mahatma Gandhi gave a pretty good description of what is still our current situation: “The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity.” As my sister has so clearly pointed […]
Practice becoming unglued
Thinking doesn’t always serve us! When we rely on our mind to tell how things are, we are asking for trouble! Our brain… selects from vast amounts of incoming information, weaves fragments of information into creative fantasies, fills gaps with assumptions and beliefs, with rules, wishes, fears. Our awareness becomes glued to our thoughts, and […]
Stop signs, yield signs, dead-ends
It’s said that if you want to make God laugh, just tell him/her your plans! How many times have you neglected to pay attention to the signs that come up as you try to follow your plans and drive the vehicle called “Your Life?” It’s a good thing that life is really all about our journey, […]
Dueling Proverbs?
Many popular sayings are correct, even insightful, when we apply them to life’s circumstances. But when proverbs are viewed without qualification, they can cancel each other out! For instance, while it’s often true that “too many cooks spoil the broth,” there are times when “two heads are better than one.” And how about these? Wonders […]
Eat That Frog Now or Later?
The frog in the Mark Twain quote has been long adopted by the business community and by productivity advocates to represent the one task or activity you are least looking forward to completing over the course of your day. The idea being that once the unappealing task in done, the rest of the day is a […]
How many eggs can you hold?
When we are children, we begin to find and collect “eggs”-people, ideas, dreams-that we like to hold in our hands. As our hands naturally grow larger over time, we are able to hold more eggs. Our youth was a time of curiosity, gathering up and collecting more. But at a certain point we stop growing […]