Kids’ letters to God…
A number of years ago I posted a collection of fun questions asked by youngsters. In a light-hearted mood, I want to expand on them and see if you find these new ones as delightful as I do! Let me know which one… resonates with you, or tickles your funny bone, or makes you think! […]
Christmas Eve and books!
In this Christmas season of 2020, books might well be a solution for us. I know books make me happier! I think Iceland is on to something with their Christmas Book Flood idea. A 2013 study showed that 50% of Icelandics read more than 8 books in a year and 93% read at least one […]
A gift for ourselves?
December is always a somewhat crazy month, and this year is even more so! A month of highs and lows, of stress and relaxation, of endings and beginnings. And as we face the end of the holiday season, and as the year is ending, we may face a bit of melancholy sparked with a dab […]
All that really matters…
The rabbi Hillel was once asked to explain the Torah. “Love they neighbor as thyself,” he said, “all the rest is commentary.” Nothing could be more urgent right now during our pandemic and global economic crisis. It’s a time when individual decisions have massive health consequences for other people. Why should we wear a mask […]
Buy the pants that fit!
I’m fairly certain that I’m not alone in experiencing a weight gain or that I’m the only one still stress-eating chocolate and ice cream right now! Sometimes we pretend that we have to be the same as we were. We create a lot of internal suffering based on the expectations we place on ourselves about […]
a fable about peace…
There is a fable about a king who wanted to experience peace. As he wanted to know what peace looked like, he commissioned two artists to create the perfect picture of peace. The first artist created a beautiful mountain landscape in which gorgeous trees towered over a lake. The lake’s waters were so calm, tranquil […]
I’m ready to lighten up! Are you? I’d love to hear any funnies that you’d like to share. Just leave a comment below the post! I’m at that age where my mind still thinks I’m 29, my humor suggests that I’m 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I’m sure I’m not dead yet. […]
Monkeys and golf balls…
Do you know this modern day parable? Author Gregory Knox Jones tells the story of a golf course built by the British in India. There was a unique obstacle, though, that caused some problems. For as golfers began to play, the monkeys in the surrounding jungles joined in the fun. They would pick up the […]
Being like water isn’t easy
“Nothing is weaker than water. But when it attacks something hard or resistant, then nothing withstands it, and nothing will alter its way.” from the Tao Te Ching Water is so fine that it’s impossible to grasp a handful of it. We can strike it, yet it doesn’t suffer hurt; stab it, and it is […]
Playing with words…
There’s too much going on! Too much stress! It’s time to play! And since I was an English teacher in a previous lifetime, I choose to play with WORDS. And today I choose “anagrams”. What’s an anagram? It’s a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters in another word or phrase. It’s important to […]