Have to or…get to?
Every day you “have to” wake up, maybe you have to get dressed, have to go to work, and have to do a bunch of other things. What if you did not “have to” do any of it? There is one word that can change the whole way you think, act and live your life! […]
It’s a noisy world…
We live in a crazy and noisy world. Every time we get in the car, we turn on the radio or CD. When we are home, we watch TV or get on the computer. The traffic going by on the street seems louder than ever. We live in a sensory overloaded world. When we are […]
Ben Franklin’s Wisdom
Benjamin Franklin was a pretty amazing guy, the quintessential Renaissance Man: scientist, inventor, author, musician, scholar, business man and politician. (Bifocals, anyone?) There’s one story from his life in particular that demonstrates his astute understand of human behavior. This story became so well-known it became known as The Benjamin Franklin Effect and was even cited […]
Like riding a bike..?
People talk about bike riding when they want to remind us that some things, once learned, are not forgotten. What they don’t mention is how we learned. No one learns to ride a bike from a book, or even a video. We learn it by doing it. Actually by not doing it. We learn by […]
Why do we worry?
The reason we worry so much is that we’ve got an amazing imagination. It’s capable of creating the most elaborate, detailed worlds that haven’t happened yet. It may just happen to be focused on the negative right now. What if today we stopped beating ourselves up for being so stressed out and instead admitted, “I […]
It’s all about you…
I saw a story online about Delta Air Lines and effective communication. This last month, Delta sent an email from its CEO, Ed Bastian, to millions of its most loyal passengers. It was an effective email and one of its secrets was the way it repeated a singe word, over and over. In the course […]
My new word is…
…contronym! It’s a new word to me, even though I was an English teacher in a previous life! A contronym is a word that can be its own opposite! In German, contronyms are called Janus words, named after the two-faced God of duality, Janus, in Roman mythology. So…you know synonyms are words that share the […]
What a difference a word makes!
What we say has power to affect others and our experiences with them. And the words we choose to describe ourselves and our situations determines much of our experience! Are we… rich or temporarily blessed, lonely or enjoying solitude, or struggling or growing through resistance? We know that… well-educated isn’t the same as smart, talents […]
You don’t have time?
We will NEVER have “enough” time. Because we can’t “have” time. Time is not something that can be had by us humans. Time isn’t even real! It’s just something we humans created to make our lives more convenient. Time is like a handful of sand…the harder we try to grip it, the more it slips […]
Faith is trust?
“Faith” is trusting the process. We know that SOMETHING is making our heart beat right now, our lungs function, the grass grow, and the planets spin. So whether we admit it or not, what we have is FAITH. We have faith that our heart will keep beating and that we’ll wake up tomorrow morning. We […]