Is anyone average?
If you design a cockpit based on the average pilot body, not a single pilot will fit in it. Just ask the US Air Force. In 1950, they measured 4,063 pilots on over 140 dimensions. Then, they took just the top ten (like height, sleeve length, etc.) and designed a cockpit that would fit anyone […]
Is life complex or complicated?
We live in a world where constant change and disruption is a given. Our current lives may have been turned upside down by a world pandemic, but we know there is always going to be something on which to blame the complexity and complication of our lives. Though we may use the words “complicated” and […]
Stuff can go wrong
It’s a fact of life. We don’t get to choose all that life throws at us, but we do get to choose how we use it! We can choose to see what happens to us as good or bad, pleasant or distasteful, a blessing or a curse. It’s all a matter of how we choose […]
Life lessons from the Wizard…
I’m a big fan of stories from childhood, whether in book or movie form, because I like to glean life lessons from them. And The Wizard of Oz is one of my favorites! Here are six lessons to think about: 1. Never stop dreaming. Dorothy’s trip to Oz was difficult, but she still found a […]
Are both true?
Words reflect thoughts. And many of our thoughts are contradictory! Here are some fun sayings that I’ve used (and even believed at different times)! How about you? “Look before you leap” or…“He who hesitates is lost”? What about “Hitch your wagon to a star” or…“Don’t bite off more than you can chew”? What about “The […]
Sunrise to Sunset
We sure do seem to want to mess with time…just consider our Daylight Savings Time process! (You did set your clocks ahead an hour this morning, didn’t you?) Did you know WAY back in the olden days (as in, before sundials were introduced in 203 BC!!), the Romans split their days in two parts: before […]
An old farmer’s advice…
Good advice comes from everywhere (and everyone!) and we often find it humorous just because it’s true! See which ones you find most true (or revealing!) and feel free to share your own hard-earned wisdom in the comments! It doesn’t take a very big person to carry a grudge. Every path has a few puddles. […]
Are you wise or just intelligent?
It has been said “Experience is a great advantage. The problem is that when you get the experience, you’re too darn old to do anything about it.” And maybe this is not just true of us as individuals, but also as groups, as nations, as a species. Some thoughts: Intelligence is pursuit of knowledge; it […]
whether the weather matters…
We do know this! But I do think that it is even more important that we know… As Eckhart Tolle said, “The clouds are what happens, what comes and goes.” Life is no different than the weather. Not only is it unpredictable, but it shows us a new perspective of the world every day. The […]
Can you be like a flower?
A flower doesn’t stop being beautiful just because somebody walks by without noticing it, nor does it cease to be fragrant if its scent is taken for granted. The flower just continues to be its glorious self: elegant, graceful, and magnificent. Mother Nature has provided us with these immeasurably valuable teachers that blossom despite their […]