The power of your word…
Remember the old saying about “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”? We do know that it is not true, don’t we..? We all have been hurt by the words of others, be they parents, partners, teachers, bosses, friends. And we all have hurt someone else, even our loved […]
Love the sun!
Summer has arrived, and to me this is a time of celebrating Life! Recent graduates are beginning their new lives and we’ve just recently experienced the summer solstice. (And it’s not yet too hot as we revel in the current warmth and sunshine.) I remember reading an article that talked about the power of one […]
He said what..?
If you know who Lao Tzu is, then you’ll recognize some of these quotes. Lao Tzu was an ancient Chinese philosopher and author of the famous book, The Tao Te Ching, about living aligned with simplicity, patience, and compassion. Here are some more of my favorite quotes. They give me food for thought! I’d be […]
Life is like Monopoly
Even the way we play the game Monopoly could be symbolic of life. First of all, we are going around a board. So…basically going around in circles. Life is a cycle. And the most powerful move in Monopoly/life isn’t mentioned in the rulebook. It’s the moment we realize it’s all just a game! the money’s […]
Do you coddiwomple?
I thought this was one of those words used long ago in Ireland or Scotland. Nope, this word is modern English slang. I love it! (even though as a previous English teacher, I think I should have know it !) What triggered this post was a friend who posted on Facebook a delightful explanation of […]
They said what?!
If you’ve ever had a car accident and then tried to describe it in as few words as possible for the insurance forms, you’ll appreciate the following descriptions as they appeared in the Toronto Sun! “An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my vehicle and vanished.” “Coming home, I drove into the wrong house […]
How you do anything…
It all matters! It’s about acting in alignment with our values and beliefs, whether in the “important” or the “unimportant” things, whether unprepared or uncomfortable. Everything we do is practice for who we are becoming. We are not the product of our dreams, our desires, our potential or what we could be someday, somehow, in […]
Do less, better…
In this age of information abundance and overload, we need to figure out what to leave out so we can concentrate on what’s really important to us. We’re so focused on doing more stuff that we lose sight of what’s really important. We could place some constraints on ourselves. It may seem contradictory, but when […]
Vitamin Z?!
Many of us put a lot of energy toward keeping our bodies healthy by making sure we eat healthy, making sure we get all our vitamins, even exercising regularly! But…what about the health of our minds and (even more importantly) our hearts and our souls? How many of us make sure that each day we […]
They said what?!
These insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words and I can’t deny that I do find them humorous. And since I found these on the Internet, I can’t really be sure if “they” are the folks who really said them. Nevertheless, let’s enjoy their wit! For example: […]