a jigsaw guide to life?

Posted by Pat on November 20, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Why a jigsaw guide to life? Well, it’s not too difficult to look at life like a giant jigsaw puzzle. This world is broken. Life is confusing. We’re surrounded by all these pieces and not sure what to do with them. Jigsaw puzzles can be exceptional teachers. They impart patience, determination, stamina, self-control and powerful […]

A paradox for you to consider…

Posted by Pat on November 13, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Theseus was an ancient hero of Greek mythology, the supposed founder of Athens, and the conqueror of various monsters, including the Minotaur. According to Plutarch in Life of Theseus, “ The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of […]

It’s YOUR hour!

Posted by Pat on November 6, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Would you rather have your hour at the start of the day or the end of the day? After all 6am looks very different from 11pm! When you got that “extra” hour today did you use it or just sleep in? Actually setting the clock back as we did this morning gives us a potential […]


Lessons from Mother Nature?

Posted by Pat on October 30, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Mother Nature is an effective teacher when we are willing to learn. By observing her cycles we come to understand how life dances within us. The tide reaches the power of ebbing and flowing, the moon that of waxing and waning. Both show that the expression of fullness and of lessening are two parts of […]


What are you worth?

Posted by Pat on October 23, 2022 in Uncategorized |

There are people who can live their whole lives with the belief that they are worth nothing. Whether or not it is because of the message they received from their parents or friends, these people don’t know what their true value is and it makes them doubt their own skills and even the things they […]


What can you learn?

Posted by Pat on October 16, 2022 in Uncategorized |

It may seem like a bit of a stretch to say there are life lessons to be learned from that jack-o’-lantern you carve for Halloween, but see what you think about these! (even if your pumpkin might be less dramatic) 1. Get inside-We need to be willing to open ourselves up to the possibilities ahead. […]


Are you a cook or a chef?

Posted by Pat on October 9, 2022 in Uncategorized |

It may seem as if these words are interchangable: after all both individuals may wear a chef’s hat or coat, work in a kitchen and prepare food. However, every chef was once a cook who went on to learn new skills and create new combinations that cooks can then follow. As Wolfgang Puck, the celebrity […]


Lessons from a squirrel?

Posted by Pat on October 2, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Squirrels are just small rodents to some folks, but to admirers they are high flying acrobats, fuzzy-tailed philosophers, scampering tree huggers and resourceful survivors. (They are also rather cute!) Here are 4 (+1 extra!) life lessons we can learn from our squirrel friends. 1. We all know this easy one: save for the future. 2. […]


Can you be creative?

Posted by Pat on September 25, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Sometimes we think that we are not creative; that the gift has passed us by. But we have each… come up with creative solutions to family problems, figured out a clever workaround to not having the perfect tool to make a repair, said what needed to be said, but tactfully and compassionately. Here are two […]


In just 4 words!

Posted by Pat on September 18, 2022 in Uncategorized |

If less is more and if a short sermon is more memorable than a long one…then here are some quotes of only four words that you might find meaningful! From some philosophical folks… From some business folks… “Aim for the highest.” Andrew Carnegie “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Steve Jobs “Whatever happens, take responsibility.” Tony Robbins […]

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