Can we really “save” time?
We’re not really saving daylight today. We’re just shifting our perception of it.

Time isn’t really a “thing.” It’s a viewpoint, a linear measure of an experience.
It’s recollection of the past, attention in the present, anticipation of the future.
After all, we all know that the time spend in the dentist chair is different than the time we spend having fun!
Has time ever “stood still” for you? How fast did time go when you were taking a timed test?
What do we do to it if we are not saving it? Well, we…
- kill time,
- waste time,
- do time,
- pass time.
And others do that too! So we all get together and come up with agreements on what we experience. We find ways to measure it: clocks, calendars, all that stuff.
Yep, it’s all just a matter of our perspective. After all, consider the turtle…or the hummingbird. The turtle is super slow at everything, from OUR viewpoint. And to us the hummingbird looks like it’s zipping around at a million miles an hour! But to that bird, we look like we’re moving around like molasses.
All of us as humans have the same 24 hours per day, the same 7 days per week, but some folks are really active and productive and some are laid-back, relaxed and seemingly lazy. (think hummingbird or turtle!)
Everyone is marching to their own drummer. It’s like we all have an inner metronome, setting a certain rhythm with each of us. For some it runs faster, for others it runs slower.
What we each choose is our individual choice.
And, yes, we can start to make a shift to our inner rhythm.
After all, it’s all good!
Is one better than the other?
No, because it’s all a choice!
We need only to remember that life is a gift and time is how we choose to experience it.
Choose wisely!
1 Comment
Speaking of choices… I just watched CSL Boise Sunday service, topic choices. What a dynamic speaker is Rev Jackie Holland!
I choose now to spend this day noticing the choices I make.