Buy the pants that fit!

I’m fairly certain that I’m not alone in experiencing a weight gain or that I’m the only one still stress-eating chocolate and ice cream right now!
Sometimes we pretend that we have to be the same as we were. We create a lot of internal suffering based on the expectations we place on ourselves about who we should be and how we think we ought to show up.

Last week, I pulled out my go-to flannel lined jeans when the temperature dropped. I discovered that I can no longer zip them up. It was a reminder that my body is different right now.
The message I got was not to try to squeeze into my old pants, but that I should just buy new ones that fit where I am right now, today.
So…I ordered my next size up from L.L.Bean.
Why? Because I want to feel good when I get dressed in the morning. I don’t want a constant reminder by my jeans that everything is different than before, or that it is worse.
I want to feel good, however I can, inside of my body and with the conditions that are in this present moment. This is where I am.
And maybe those pants are a good reminder that not only my body, but also my mind and my emotions are changing as well. And that too is okay!
Accepting myself where I am with all my current foibles and flaws (whether body, mind, or spirit) is the first step to feeling peace again. I don’t need to fret about changing or not changing. Everything is just as it is and will be just as it will be. I’m not in charge.
And if there is a cloud, well, we know that there is always a silver lining we can look for, find, and appreciate. After all we do know we are not in control of all that happens, just how we choose to respond to it. (Thank heavens!)

How are YOUR pants fitting?
Elastic waists solve a lot of problems. So does staying in pjs all day. Anyway, as Thomas Wolfe said: “You can’t go home again.”
Looks like I’ve gained back some of the pounds I lost in 2019.
I’m also remembering that some clothes are NOT too small. They’re the same size they were when they fit me!
My problem is the buttons on my pants are socially distancing.
Doris, it’s so reassuring to find I’ve got good folks to keep me company through this not-to-surprising change!
Just gonna order bigger flannel lined pants too and quit beating myself up! Thanks for giving me the idea to “give myself permission!”