“Ben & Jerry’s” graveyard!

Posted by Pat on April 26, 2015 in Uncategorized |

 graveyardWho knew? I didn’t!

Ben & Jerry’s has a graveyard where discontinued flavors go to die!

You know how sad we feel when our favorite food gets discontinued?

Well, the guys at Ben & Jerry’s feel our pain. So much that they’ve created a graveyard where folks can go to pay their respects to all their favorite discontinued ice cream flavors.

It’s on a hill at the back of the ice cream maker’s factory in Waterbury, Vermont where 190,000 pints of Blondie Brownie and Karamel Sutra are churned out daily.

The cemetery houses about 30 tombstones that that mark the graves of flavors-past, including Chocolate Comfort, Crème Brulee, Peanuts! Popcorn!, and  even 1987’s Economic Crunch.gravestone

Did you have a favorite flavor?

I’m sorry to have missed Peanut Butter & Jelly (1992-1993) and Crème Brulee (2007-2012).



So…do you have a personal graveyard for failed plans, faded dreams, lost relationships? 

We were not put on this planet to waste time lamenting the pain of the past.

When we make mistakes or things don’t turn out as planned, we suffer… because that’s what human beings do. We get hurt, feel the bite, and hopefully move on.

If we didn’t find the “flavor” that works for us, then we need to

  •  Accept our responsibility for the role we have played,
  •  Identify the lesson learned, and
  •  Incorporate that lesson into our life in a meaningful way.


Have you allowed yourself to let go and release the past?

Have you taken the blessings and the lessons, and then let the negative feelings attached to them dissipate to make room for your new plans, dreams, and relationships?

  • the marriage that ended in divorce?
  • the business that ended in bankruptcy?
  • the diagnosis that was life threatening?

I have learned from all three of the above situations. Have you?

 releasing past

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