Being like water isn’t easy

“Nothing is weaker than water. But when it attacks something hard or resistant, then nothing withstands it, and nothing will alter its way.”
from the Tao Te Ching
Water is so fine that it’s impossible to grasp a handful of it. We can strike it, yet it doesn’t suffer hurt; stab it, and it is not wounded; sever it, yet it is not divided.
To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax and float.
by Alan Watts
Water has no shape of its own, but molds itself to the receptacle that contains it. When heated to the state of steam it is invisible, but has enough power to split the earth itself. When frozen, it crystallizes into a mighty rock.
We choose the mold into which we want to pour the water of our life. And then we, just like water, adapt to the mold we’ve chosen.
Many people mistake Bruce Lee’s famous quote to mean be conforming. But water adapts (changes to fit or work better in particular scenarios) whereas conforming means having the same behavior as most people in a group. Water changes its shape based on where it is placed. If you pour it into a cup, it will take the shape of a cup, but its components do not change.
One of water’s most notable characteristics is its fluidity. If you spill your drink, it will scatter on the floor (or in your laptop as I can attest!), filling every crevice or crack. It isn’t afraid to explore what lies beyond. It doesn’t have a plan; it will simply spread where it can.
And, sometimes just like water, our mind/our life gets all stirred up or spilled! It could help us to wait until the mud settles before we make a decision!

The beautiful Grand Canyon in Arizona was carved by a relentless river that once flowed through it.
I sometimes wonder what my “canyon” will look like when I am done flowing through my life…
Do you?
1 Comment
So true, water will always find it’s way to make it through most every obstacle.