
Posted by Pat on February 28, 2021 in Uncategorized |
  • Most people believe that they must first have something (money, time, love)
  • Before they can do what they want to do (travel the world, write a book, have a romantic relationship)
  • Which will ultimately allow them to be something (happy, peaceful, motivated).

Paradoxically, this have-do-be paradigm must be reversed to experience happiness, success, or anything else you desire.

  • First you be whatever it is you want to be (happy, compassionate, wise, loving)
  • Then you start doing things from this space of being
  • Almost immediately what you are doing will bring about the things you want to have

We attract into our lives what we are. So we need to ask ourselves, “Who am I being?”

Ask if you are being a good friend? Are you being a good parent? Are you being a good caregiver? Are you being a good leader?

You don’t need to have a lot of time to start being the person who gives valuable time to your friend or child. Just start BEING the person you want to be. Just DO it because you are someone who cares. Make the decision to DO what this person would do and you will HAVE the experience you want.

Picture clearly your future self and what you want to have in your life when you are living your ultimate life…Now start BEING the person who has achieved it.

We can choose to BE happy, loving, peaceful and successful individuals. And when we make that choice, we can DO what happy, loving, peaceful and successful people do. And then we will HAVE the happiness, love, peace and success.

After all, our experience of life starts in our mind and heart, not in our circumstances or situations.

Let’s choose wisely!


  • Tish Watts says:

    Thanks Pat! This is a great reminder to all!

  • Fay says:

    It’s a funny thing, really. When I was in 4th grade I told my parents I was going to be a nurse. Well, I actually said ‘missionary nurse’, but that got shifted a bit. Anyway, even as a youngster I started paying attention to stuff related to nursing – science, biology and the like. Pretty cool. A 42 year stint in that profession was the result. I hadn’t really thought about it in these terms, Pat. Now to apply that philosophy to other parts of my life….

  • Meg says:

    But the first part is just, only, being. Sounds easy. Reminds me of the person who said, “I have so much to do today that I must meditate another hour just to get through it all!”
    Really? I can do that.

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