Banish these 3 phrases!
Many of us don’t understand that what we say matters. We have the power to create our world with our words. And we may not know it, but some words can hold us back from the life we desire. Here are three to consider:

- There are indeed many things we cannot do. We can’t be royalty in England, given the fact we are born in the US.
We use “can’t” for achievable things that require hard work or sacrifice. We routinely say things like “I can’t lose weight,” or “I can’t talk in front of a group.”
When “I can’t” is on the tip of our tongue, we could change it to “I won’t.” With every “I can’t” we sell ourselves short. Because in most cases the reason why we “can’t” has less to do with ability and more to do with our priorities. And saying “I won’t” will force us to examine those priorities.

2. I once came across a quote that said: “I thought life was unfair until someone said life is fair because it is unfair to everybody.”
Complaining about life’s unfairness is unproductive at best.
Instead we could see life’s unfair challenges as unfair advantages. After all, without struggle or adversity, we fail to experience real emotional and spiritual growth. We are like butterflies that need to struggle to emerge from the cocoon with wings strong enough to fly. And we do want to fly, don’t we?
3. Have you ever said something like “I have to go to work today or “I have to take this class” or “I have to write this blog post.” (Maybe I should change my To Do List to a Get To Do List?)

“I have to” is the fastest way to turn blessings into burdens. Instead experiment with “I get to.”
After all, “I get to” unleashes the power of gratitude in our lives.
The words we use are creating our lives. Let’s choose the vision of the life we want. Let our words paint a picture of the life we want!
As a late starter in the work-a-day world, I used to hear ” I have to go back to work on Monday.” I determined to say “I get to go to work again Monday.” I said it because I really meant it.
Great insight. keep that wisdom rolling!