Posts by Pat:
Squirrels as role models!?
Squirrels are just lowly rodents to some folks, but to admirers they are high flying acrobats, fuzzy tailed philosophers, scampering tree huggers, and resourceful survivors. (They are also awfully cute!)
There are some life lessons we can learn from them! Consider these:
First, we all know this easy one…to save for the future! The smart squirrel squirrel’s those nuts away. Did you know that he breaks the nutshell with his teeth and cleans it by licking or rubbing it on his face to apply his scent to the nut? This marks it as “his” and helps him find his buried treasure months later.
Second, we can learn to adapt and adjust as they do, individually and collectively. The 285 species of squirrels live in habitats ranging from South America’s tropical forests to Africa’s semiarid deserts (not counting your backyard!) They even learn how to handle life upside down. They learn how to be flexible and reach for that limb that at first looks impossible.
Third, they are good stewards of our earth. Did you know that they help the life cycle of a forest by eating bark/plants/insests/nuts/ leaves/roots/seeds that help out with its environment. And, of course, they help replant the forest when they can’t find those seeds and nuts they hid!
Fourth, they teach us to pace our lives, to live in the rhythm of the seasons. In the spring they normally get up near sunrise to get food, build their nest, raise their young. During the summer, most begin to slow down and take a siesta in the afternoon before returning to getting food and playing. And during the winter, they usually get up near sunrise, work until noon time and then spend the rest of the day resting and conserving heat.
Can you find a personal lesson to take from our furry friends?
Potholes in life!
I’ve discovered potholes can be of use. And that’s a good thing, because there seem to be so many of them! We often slow down, become more alert, and drive around them carefully. As a metaphor, they can make us aware of the places in our lives where we need to exercise care and caution. […]
Fall as a new beginning?
Summer is over. Fall is here! School is underway. Halloween decorations are everywhere. Fall is a fun, new beginning for me. I love it’s fresh energy, the “clean slate” feeling. And I love checking things off my “to do” lists. I hate having tired goals, unfinished goals; so I redo them to make me feel […]
I often eat dessert first!
(My sister and I were smart enough never to hire the applicant who said “I’d give anything to work in a chocoate store!” for we knew we couldn’t affort the loss of inventory!) We’ve all been overwhelmed with the messages to take pleasure when and where we can: Don’t worry-BE HAPPY! ENJOY LIFE NOW-this is […]
The rights of the reader!
This French author has quite the list! Let me know which of these resonate with you and/or if you have found others. The right to read anywhere! And the right to reread! Plus these too… We can skip pages if we want. And don’t forget the right to not have to defend our taste! No […]
Do less?!
Matthew McConaughey had shut down his production company and his music label because as he said…”I was making B’s in five things. I want to make A’s in three things.” (Those three things were his family, his foundation, his acting career.) Stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius would say that doing less “brings a double satisfaction.” We […]
Letting go and creating new!
We seem to like the idea of new beginnings. I’m letting go of some this season to prepare for my clean slate for fall. Here’s some mantras I’ve been using! For my clean slate, I’m considering these for my fall thoughts: In some areas of life, value is unlocked by starting. Even a five-minute exercise […]
September as a new January!
“September” is such an invigorating idea! It’s back to school and new projects! It’s unofficially the beginning of fall and plenty of time to look at the “clean slate” that it provides. We can choose to stop “doing” for a moment and reflect on what it is that we really want… to be, to do, […]
Need a Plan B?
We usually have a pretty good Plan A. But as we well know, life doesn’t always go according to our best laid plans. Stuff happens! With all life’s twists and turns, it might be a good idea to have a contingency plan (i.e. a Plan B.) The days of working an entire career in the […]
“Yes, but…”
The feeling and the message can be so different when we consciously change that “but” to “and.” It’s more inviting, inclusive, collaborative, cooperative to respond to someone with a “Yes, and…” rather than a “Yes, but…” A “Yes, and” in conversation builds upon the thoughts of the person with whom we are speaking while a […]