About Pat

Posts by Pat:


Too much chocolate?

Posted by Pat on February 14, 2016 in Uncategorized |

choc bath frog



Do you think that there could be such a thing as too much chocolate?!


There’s a old joke that says 9 out of 10 people like chocolate and the tenth one lies!

As a previous owner of a chocolate store, I admit that I seem to attract chocolate quotes, jokes, and posters (as well as chocolate, of course!)

And though I try to contain myself, at least once a year I have this compulsion to share some of the new ones I’ve collected.

I’d love to have you send me any of your favorites that I may not yet have collected!


 beatersAre my sister and I the only ones who fought over who got the beater with the most chocolate frosting on it?









m and ms

And searching for true inner peace may well be the reason there are no leftovers!





Since today is Valentine’s Day,

I can’t resist including this image!

(Thank you Fay for this one!)

 choc mutts

My true feelings…


Do you have any favorites?

Maybe (heaven forbid) not chocolate but some other decadent luxury?


What’s wisdom got to do with it?

Posted by Pat on February 7, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Wanna’ be a “Crone?” or maybe a “Sage?” To aspire to be a crone or to be a sage is to want the psychological and spiritual growth that they symbolize. And it has less to do with gender and more to do with sharing wisdom, using our intuition, finding meaning, growing into our inner potential. (I can think […]


And then it’s winter

Posted by Pat on January 31, 2016 in Uncategorized |

You know…time has a way of moving quickly and catching us unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young, embarking on my life. Yet in a way, it also seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have […]


What if you don’t want a new beginning?

Posted by Pat on January 24, 2016 in Uncategorized |

What’s wrong with things as they are? Why are we so easily lured into the idea that something is broken that needs fixing? Don’t get me wrong-I’m all for personal growth and even transformation. But the messages in January seem to point to wholesale changes. I’m too tired to change my whole life. Or maybe I’m […]


A mindset of “maybe?”

Posted by Pat on January 17, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Do you ever find yourself caught in a mental loop of negative thinking? Do your everyday worries seem to be overwhelming? Can you think of 5 ways something can go wrong instead of right? Does the glass seem half empty instead of half full? Instead of thinking just in black and white, positive and negative, […]

Do you have a prediction?

Posted by Pat on January 10, 2016 in Uncategorized |

Do you have any surefire predictions for 2016? I do! (thanks to Seth Godin and his blog) See if you agree with any of them! I’m betting on the following happening in 2016:   Something obvious will become obvious. That thing that everyone was afraid of won’t come to pass. We’ll waste more than a […]


Ending the year on a light note!

Posted by Pat on December 27, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Enjoy the combination of common sense and a sense of humor below! We know that a good laugh, a wry smile, a knowing eye-rolling, an exasperating head shake,  are all signs of a light heart. (something we can all use as we start 2016!) I have found the following statements fun and provocative. See what you […]


The darkness and the light…

Posted by Pat on December 20, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Tomorrow is the first day of winter, the longest, darkest night of the year. It seems like it’s dark when we get up and go to work or school and it’s dark when we come home! And even though the days do start getting longer and the nights shorter, we often still bemoan the dark and […]


What do you have left?

Posted by Pat on December 13, 2015 in Uncategorized |

I  want to share a wonderful story told  about the great violinist, Itzhak Perlman. On Nov 18, 1995, in Lincoln Center in New York City, Perlman was ready to begin when suddenly one of his violin strings broke with a snap as sharp as a gun shot. He could not hop up and run off […]


Is there a promise of tomorrow?

Posted by Pat on December 6, 2015 in Uncategorized |

Why is it that we see Christmas decorations before we can put away the Halloween reminders? And why is it that in the hours before the Thanksgiving feast many folks are making their shopping lists for the coming weekend? We’re always looking ahead to what’s next. Today doesn’t seem to be good enough. Yet there’s a […]

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