Posts by Pat:
3 reasons why today can be awesome!
Yep! You can be even more awesome than ever.
And, that will make your day (and other folk’s day) more awesome too!
Thank goodness that we can do this awesome bit day by day. It does feel more reasonable than trying for a longer stretch of time!
So why do we know that today is going to be awesome?
Number 1: This is really the only day that exists. Everything that has happened in our lives so far actually happened in the present, in the here and now. And likewise everything that will happen in the future will also happen in the present. Everything is now.
Right this second, something awesome is happening to someone in the world. Yes, I know we may well be wishing that we were outside in some sunshine. But when we think about it, at any point today we could create a memory that will stick with us the rest of our life. We have today and it is always our choice!
Number 2: We have complete control over our actions and/or reactions. And, whatever we see in our future, today is one step closer to that happening. Of course, we must put in the effort and use each day as our “blank canvas” to make this dream a reality, but that day will come. So, throw some paint on today!
Number 3: A lifetime can be shrunk down to tiny chunks. Any large dream or goal can be broken down into smaller manageable chunks that we can plan out and conquer before moving on to the next one. It’s doable and like “they” say:
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
So, my suggestion is to stop counting days down. Instead, count them up! Marvel at how many we have been blessed to spend on this planet. And never forget that each one could be our last. Ponder the kind of life we would like to look back on when we at last come to do so.
Let’s be awesome AND have lots and lots of awesome days!
What choices will you make today?
It’s sometimes hard to be happy
We’re “supposed” to be happy! And sometimes we try really hard to be happy and it still doesn’t work. Maybe it’s better not to try so hard to be happy? Maybe it’s okay to just feel okay. Maybe we could just become aware of moments when we’re not miserable! That would be a good start. […]
So What? Now What?
We can pretty much count on getting sidelined from time to time. And it’s important to not allow a setback become part of the larger story we often create around our “life of difficulties.” So what? Now what? We only need these four words! They’re perfectly crafted to give us perspective, unleash our creativity, and get […]
World Laughter Day?!
In honor of Tuesday, January 10th, known as World Laughter Day, I submit a few observations for you! We can laugh at ourselves and let the world laugh with us! Only in America…do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can […]
Easier for some people than others…
The new year is upon us, and that’s easier for some people than others. The election has happened, and that’s easier for some people than others. The winter is here and that means more dark and cold for a while, and that’s easier for some people than others. We’re getting older, and that’s easier for […]
7 notes to God…from kids
As we come to the end of the year, I suggest we can be thoughtful about our life this year. Here are some thoughts from youngsters to think about if you, perhaps, are no longer a “youngster!” Remember those old math textbooks that had half of the problems’ answers in the back of the book? They were useful in […]
The gift of walking…
One of my favorite stories (excerpted from My Christmas Treasury by Norman Vincent Peale) is about a missionary teaching in Africa. Before Christmas, he had been telling his native students how Christians, as an expression of their joy, gave one another presents on Christ’s birthday. On Christmas morning, one of the natives brought the missionary a […]
Ouch! I get it!
Have you ever read this “Autobiography in Five Short Chapters” by Portia Nelson? It’s a delight and even has a message! Chapter 1 I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost…I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way […]
Overcome overwhelm…
It’s a rotten feeling, isn’t it? Life can sometimes feel like it’s careening uncontrollably toward disaster-rather like the feeling you get when you’ve lost control of your moving car. It’s that feeling of complete helplessness and panic. While we may be feeling overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives right now, there are some concrete steps […]
It’s only one day…
This week we celebrated Thanksgiving. For many it was just a day to relax and to abuse ourselves nutritionally! But even so, many of us do remember the meaning of the day. It is… Thanks. Giving. It is a day to express our thankfulness and gratitude for the people, opportunities, and blessings in our lives. But it has […]