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Posts by Pat:

not 4 but 6 Seasons…

Posted by Pat on February 23, 2020 in Uncategorized |

The transition between seasons (both of nature and of our personal lives) are worth examining! And particularily, the in-between ones that lead us to the four acknowledged ones of winter, spring, summer, and autumn.

First, let’s realize the truth about nature’s seasons. Four seasons is just wrong for this part of our planet. After all, we know that spring doesn’t feel like spring a lot of the time, and November is all wrong for autumn.

Here is the truth about nature’s seasons from the writer Kurt Vonnegut:

“Spring is May and June. What could be springier than May and June?

Summer is July and August. Really hot, right?

Autumn is September and October. See those pumpkins? Smell those burning leaves?

Next comes the season called Locking. November and December aren’t winter. They’re ‘Locking.’

Next comes winter, January and February. Boy are they ever cold!

What comes next? Not spring. Unlocking comes next. What else could cruel March and only slightly less cruel April be? March and April are not spring. They’re ‘Unlocking.’


Haven’t you noticed that there’s a distinct difference between early and late fall and early and late spring?

In our part of the world early fall is when we’re harvesting from the garden and late fall is the season of frosts and cold weather when you want to bundle up but still want to go on walks. Maybe sometime between mid-October and late November most years?

In the spring the reverse seems true. Early spring has days consistently above freezing and the snow accumulation slowly melts, but’s not warm enough to really encourage much green growth. That seems to be March to mid April or so. Then late spring usually hits sometime around the first third of April or so and lasts until maybe mid-June, when summer begins in earnest.

So there is a lesson that Mother Nature provides us when we choose to listen. We can learn a lot by observing our world and then looking within to see what it can mean to us personally.

We know that seasons are temporary, that they change constantly. And just as all of nature cycles through seasons of change and transformation, effortlessly and naturally, so do we in our personal lives. Let’s remember to be aware of our own personal Unlocking and Locking transitional times.

Transformation is a natural part of life and an important component of our human evolution. It’s unavoidable, inevitable and yet manageable.

When we remember to flow with the shifting rhythms, we learn lessons about ourselves, others and about life. Our seasons come to help us grow emotionally, physically and socially. And they come to strengthen our soul, to enliven our spirit and to bolster our emotional resilence in the face of both adversity and opportunity.

Let’s not resist. Let’s allow. Just remember…


The yeast in our lives

Posted by Pat on February 16, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Mothers teach us to add, adding the ingredients to the recipe. Sisters can teach us how to subtract as they snitch the chocolate chips from the bag. Fathers can teach us how to divide the cake by letting one of us cut it and the other choose their piece first. But learning how to multiply? […]


We’re energy systems…

Posted by Pat on February 9, 2020 in Uncategorized |

We are not a chunk of flesh, we are energy! If we were to magnify ourselves, we would find that we are made of cells, which in turn are made up of molecules of various substances. These are made up of atoms which are composed of electrons, protons, and neutrons. And these are energy packets. […]


Every minus is half of a plus?

Posted by Pat on February 2, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Consider the possibility that what you thought was wrong with you may actually be what’s right with you! And if this is so then you have made only one mistake, that of judging yourself negatively, based on possibly erroneous or insufficient evidence. Here are some ways what you thought was wrong with you might actually […]


Reading can add a chapter to your life!

Posted by Pat on January 26, 2020 in Uncategorized |

I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! There’s a study done by Yale University that says people who read books tend to live loger than those who don’t. Almost two years longer, in fact! The data of 3,635 people over the age of 50 had almost a 20% lower risk of death in the 12 years […]


Take some tiny steps

Posted by Pat on January 19, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Want to shift one of your behaviors? There is a formula for that! And it applies to everything from flossing our teeth to running a marathon. A Wall Street Journal article shared that this approach was tested with more than 40,000 people over the past decade. To instill a new habit, the first thing we […]


Learning to handle winter

Posted by Pat on January 12, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Winters come regularly, right after autumn. Some are long, some are short, some are difficult, some are easy, but they always come right after autumn. That’s never going to change. There are all kinds of winters-the “winter” when you can’t figure it out, the “winter” when everything seems to go haywire. There are economic winters, […]


to resolve or not to resolve?

Posted by Pat on January 5, 2020 in Uncategorized |

Some thoughts… some humor! Even some intriguing ideas to consider! Some thoughts: Some humor: Some intriguing ideas: Have the same ones come up for you year after year? Maybe we should ask ourselves “Why?” first. Is it a “should” or “someone else’s idea for us” or just “tradition”? Are these good reasons? Maybe we need […]


what do you REALLY want?

Posted by Pat on December 29, 2019 in Uncategorized |

If you want to find your dream home, describe it. “It’s on a hill, surrounded by tall trees, with a panoramic view.” What feeling does the house give you? “Security.” And the hill? “It would show me perspective.” And the trees?  “Trees represent growth.” And the panoramic view? “It attunes me to expansiveness.” So…you really […]


Fun Puns!

Posted by Pat on December 22, 2019 in Uncategorized |

Are puns really the lowest form of humor? Or do the purists say that just because they think they are easy to make? Doesn’t matter! They are fun! Can you, would you, pick a favorite from these? Or even better, share one of your own?! Okay, NOW you can go do something inspiring, something productive, […]

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